
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Who You Are is Taking You Somewhere

Are you a Lord of the Rings fanatic just like me? Do you remember that scene in The Two Towers where Aragorn is combating the battle within himself on what he should do and where he should go? He ends up falling asleep in the midst of his confusion and he has a dream that takes him to his love & comfort-Arwen.

Aragorn: You told me once, this day would come
Arwen: This is not the end. It is the beginning. You must go with Frodo. That is your path
Aragorn: My path is hidden from me
Arwen: It is already laid before your feet, you cannot falter now
Aragorn: Arwen
                                             Arwen: If you trust nothing else, trust this. Trust us
{taken from}

As humorous as it may seem I was actually trying to find this quote in the Bible! Ha! "My path is hidden from me..." that is how I feel about now. With so much to decide currently, I'm like Aragorn-Should I stay or should I go?

Another king that was questioning which path he should take was a king by the name of David. King David was first seen in 1 Samuel 16 as a shepherd boy. He is also famously known as the young boy who shot three stones into the giant Goliath, the lustful king who saw another man's wife bathing & took her to be his wife; as well as, the father of the wisest man who ever lived-Solomon, who is part of Jesus's lineage.

Many times David is recorded praying, analyzing, stressing over his path:

"Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." -Psalm 25:4-5

"How can a young person stay on the path of purity?By living according to your word." -Psalm 119:9

"Direct me in the path of your commands,
   for there I find delight." -Psalm 119:35

Like the soon to be king Aragorn and King David, I am praying...pleading...begging with God to show me my path: WHERE DO I BELONG! WHERE AM TO GO?! SHOW ME! LEAD ME!

I was brought to Matthew 20, as I like to label "the Want Chapter.” I've probably blogged about this passage before or at least mentioned it, so needless to say I've read it a lot. So when I was brought to it again I tried my best to find something I hadn't noticed before. This is what I jotted down:

What do you want? $ or position? [Matthew 6:24]

In the middle of people saying what they wanted Jesus predicts his death.

"Can't I do what I want?..."-said the landowner/God

You may not always be able to change your pay, but you can change your position
                                                  ... correction, your attitude about your position [Galatians 5: 22-23]

Because God is in control of both pay and position

Summary: You toil over what you yourself are not over. Do you not know it is God who feeds the sparrows & dresses the fields? How much more will He then care for you? Your payment is in Christ. Your position is in Christ. [Matthew 10: 29-30, Matthew 6: 25-34]

Based off that I was then faced with asking....and what does that have to do with me?... hahaha

So I re-examined what my position in Christ was.
Why? Because to know who I am, I need to know Him, because I am in Him.

However, I still had more questions...because with walking with the Lord since I was 12 years old I knew who I was but I couldn't connect how that helped me with my current issues:

"How does this take me to where I need to go?"

"How does who I am answer where I am?...Does it?"

Does identity=destination?

This was my answer-Colossians 3
“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”
(Kind of reminded me of my previous blog And God said, "Stay Here")

Okay, so my identity is Christ. Where Christ is there I am.

I had this really awesome experience last week where I got to share the Gospel with the children I nanny for. It was glorious.
It all started because the one asked,
"Why did they put Jesus on the cross?"
So we talked about sin, the punishment that we deserved,
God's great love, His sacrifice,
and His triumph over death.
After which one proceeded to ask,
"Where is Jesus now?"
That one was the hardest for me to explain.
I said, "well, He is in heaven.
But if you believe and accept what He did for you,
His Spirit is in you & He is everywhere."

  • Is His Spirit in you today?
  • Where is the Spirit leading you?
  • Who is the Spirit directing you to be?
  • Do you feel like you have no path to follow? Or are you questioning the path already laid out for you?
  • Why are you faltering?

Currently I am faced with moving or staying. Changing jobs and possibly becoming "management" or quitting a my job of almost 3 years. Do I follow the path that is more prosperous money wise or more comfortable and compatible with school?

Who you are is taking you somewhere; where are you going?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dude, That's Deeeep

:The Sinking of Spirituality 

If you know me well, you probably know that I have this thing were I say "that's deep" a lot.
  {If you know me probably also know that I have hearing problems, eat too many Doritos for my own good & still sleep with a teddy bear...}

I like to think about things more than what face value offers.

Are you the same?

This brings me to a frustration of mine. Spirituality. 

Why is this a frustration? Shouldn't I, a Christian, someone who reads the Bible, loves God & prays be all up in the "spiritual-ness".
  {Oh yah rolling around all up in it: "yeah I'm spiritual." say'n it in the most annoying voice possible}


No, not one bit do I want to be called spiritual or be a part of it. 

  "Why, it's sooo good and positive and right?" 
   {the same argument can be used towards marijuana...and note it's still federally illegal}

So why do I hate it so much?

Have you ever heard the saying: "If it's only partially true than it's not true at all"? Or "Half truths are lies" ?

Well, if you're set to sail on this "spirituality" adventure I must warn you there's a whole in your boat & you are going to go down.

What is this spirituality that I am referring to?
  Spirituality=the fact of being spiritual=concerned with & engrossed be the matters of the spirit(s)
            {dictionary. com }

It sounds good and all, but if I am not mistaken it sounds to me that again we have gotten off course...
  And instead we are worshiping what was/is created rather than the Creator


Since when did our soul do anything great? Move mountains? Open the heavens?

Some have come to know of a "divinity" from "within", a "god in themselves", a miracle worker by their own minds. We've been taught that we can do anything, that we are indestructible, that we hold the key of life. We claim to talk to the dead, seek guidance from "angels" and have "spirit guides." Horoscopes, Ouija boards, tarot cards, past lives, palm readings... 

Where does this all come from?

Who's teaching these things and why?

And why are we believing them?

What does God's Word have to say about all of this?
    Genesis 3                 The lie that we would be like God severed our relationship with Him
    Deuteronomy 18:9-13   Our guidance is meant to come from God alone
   John 8:42-47            Satan is responsible for spreading lies that we don't need God
   John 10:10a              His (Satan's) goal is to destroy you, not bring you peace
   Romans 1:18-23       When we worship what was created (ourselves) instead of the Creator, it is sin
   2 Cor. 11:14            Satan makes what is wrong look right 
   Eph. 5:1-20               It is this which brings darkness & a cover over our eyes
   Eph. 6: 12                 There is battle going on for your soul & it's fought with forces you can't understand
    Hebrews 13:7-9a      Anything outside the Word of God is a lie 
   1 Peter 5:8b              Satan will devour you regardless if you believe in his power or not
And the key one:

  See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.
-Colossians 2:8

So why again are we falling into this trap?

Because it offers something different?
Makes you feel good?
Helps you understand things better?

Why are you not giving your Creator a chance?
   {Ever hear the story of Job? Ever read to the part where God finally responds? Check it out Job 38-41}

If I had to take a guess as to why some have chosen to believe such things over the Truth of Jesus and only Jesus, is that they do not know who they truly are nor do they know the One who created them.

If that is you today, let me enlighten you-
  You are:                                                He (Jesus) is:
       thought about                                       subjective to the Father
       crowned                                                crowned King
      given power                                          sufferer 
     holy                                                         pioneer of our faith
     family                                                    praised throughout all creation
    praised                                                    trusted, trustworthy
    trusted                                                    flesh & blood, God in human form
    a child                                                   merciful & faithful
                                                                atonement for our sins
                                                                                               -Hebrews 2
{And yes that was just one chapter...imagine how much more could be said!}

When I read this scripture (Hebrews 2) I discovered this as well:
 All that I want, I already have.
Jesus freed me from the belief that I still have to do something
to be something.

Don't throw away your life so easily! Just because it looks good does not mean it is! Half truths are lies! And Jesus comes to you speaking truth, the only truth, the truth that can set you free, give light and peace everlasting.

"Tell me friend, when did...the wise abandon reason for madness?"-Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring