
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Gospel Conclusions

If you have been following me or just started, you may have read that for the past year I have been "re-reading the Gospels." Last week I just read the last chapter of John. Going through the story of Jesus by the accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John has been a very eye-opening experience to say the least. I obviously did not write a post every time I read a chapter, but as John concludes his writings so I say the same: "And there are also many other things that Jesus did, I suppose not even the world itself could contain the books that would be written." (John 21: 25).

I could go through and tell you all the details about the men, the contrasts between the accounts, and the historic background. Although I love to learn about these things as well, my main objective in this "re-reading" (that all started from a book study during my internship with Global Hope India) was to learn more about Jesus.

I have grown to be very suspicious of any person who says they have read the whole Bible and yet has not let who Jesus was affect them personally. For someone who has grown up in church and  who has walked with God since the age of twelve, I have learned so much more about Jesus than I ever had before.

Jesus simply blows my mind!

Yet, we can not stop there can we? I have heard many people say that they too would have been a follower of Jesus and what Jesus taught were really good morals. Some people even say "Sure, we should listen to him." But Jesus did not just teach good morals nor was He just a good person.

You may say, "Samantha, that's a personal opinion." And I would say, "No, that's the Gospel."

Something that struck a chord with me as I read the book of John is that it seems to be Jesus himself who quotes that famous verse we have all come to know all so well:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever should believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."- John 3:16

If you are wanting the backstories of these authors, a more in length description of the contrasts between them, and the historic pieces I would recommend reading The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. However, if you are wanting an encounter with the Jesus-this person whom we as Christians worship and claim to follow, I recommend you to read the Gospels personally.

Every time I read, I thought to myself "Man, I have so much more to learn yet....keep showing me more of who you are, Lord."

Don't just "sit there like a bump on a log," like my Grandma used to say. If you want to know more, seek more!

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."-Matthew 7:7-8

You were meant to know who Jesus was, what He taught, and what He did-what He did for you and I.

I want to say that I now "close" this study, but truth is as a believer we never close off our attention to who Jesus was and is. He is the reason we continue on.

But I do say this, another study has been pressing on my heart for some time now and I hope that you would be so intrigued as to join me once again (or for the first time). As I have dove more into who my Savior was, I now want to dive into who He says I am. Who He says we are. I don't know exactly what all of this research will entail, but journey along with me as I start from the beginning...

Genesis here we come!


So why The Lion King clip? Because I love The Lion King; 'nuf said. (There is a connection, but you can figure it out) ;)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Purple Dinosuar

My little purple dinosaur how you've sat in my chest of treasures for years.
You've been on my mind, my friend.
My precious little plastic toy you've seen it all.
From my play key chains you hung. 
Upon dresser shelves you sat.
Among decorations and other playthings.
My scuffed up little purple dinosaur.
How could I have forgotten you?
I've tried my best to hide my youth and childish things,
but today I take you out.
Today you sit in front of me reminding me the way things used to be.
I remember the day you broke;
I remember the day you fell. 
The day I was forced to say goodbye and so-long. 
You represent simplicity, good times & contagious child laughter.
Purple Dinosaur.
You make no sense in the today's world.
Your color isn't right and your body isn't thin.
You're too small.  
What possible difference can you make in the world of today?
You can't even roar; you scare no one.
But there you you are inside me.
Inside hidden in my chest of treasures.
You lay underneath these new age lies-
you're buried underneath what it means to be an adult.
My little purple dinosaur.
I have forgotten about the little girl inside. 
She looks up from the grave she's built and wonders who will find her.
She sits and stares as time goes by.
Time has covered her with scales and shells.
She has rough edges protruding from her back.
Her arms and head are scuffed....she been dragged along roads she did not belong.
I remember the day she fell, the day I had to say "so-long."
Why can't we play, laugh, and sing like we used to?
Why must we fight, cry, and scream?
There is so much hatred and darkness; I can not see.
Where is the light?
Where is the love?
My little purple dinosaur come back to me; 
come back to us.
Bring back the naive, the unknowing, and joy of each moment.
Remind us we are not alone.
Remind me you have not left.
Those old times can be brought back.
Purple dinosaur,
you're nothing and yet, you're everything.