
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

You Will Be Great

Have you ever had people tell you that you would be great? Or have you ever told someone else this? Isn’t it typically after they have already done something great? Isn’t it typically after they just hit that winning home-run, or shot the winning basket in the very last second, or gave that profound speech that brought everyone to tears?
  • What is your idea of greatness?

Lately, I have had a lot of people telling me that I will be great.

I sigh because I don’t feel great. And thus, I just shrug it off.

In Matthew 18: 1-5 Jesus disciples ask who will be the greatest in heaven. His response is not what they were expecting; it was more like a slap in the face if you ask me.

Again in scripture the disciples fight over who will be the greatest and Jesus knowing their secret thoughts responds, “Whoever will humble himself and become a servant will be the greatest.”

If we investigate what really made the disciples great it wasn’t because they won first place. Rather, we admire them because through obstacles and pain they stood their ground.

Check out Hebrews 11.
  • What is God’s idea of greatness?

Corresponding to my last post, I’m sure you have gathered that I am not perfect. Recently I have been focusing more on my wants and desires than serving God. Between you and me, my weakness is sexuality. I put on a good facade, but really truth is “I’ve been there & have done that.” I don’t see why or understand how through it all God still accepts me…could still call me…

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine…
Because you are precious in my sight and honored, and I love you..
No one can take anything from my hand.”-Isaiah 43

I pondered this morning the first scripture I gave you. This concept of “humbling yourself like a child…” I think of my little sister. She is so adorable. But man, is she blunt. “I’m hot. I’m bored. That’s ugly.” Haha, she makes me laugh! And yet, God says, “let the children come to me; for it is they who will inherit the kingdom of God.”

When a child typically falls, it depends on the response of the adult on how they will respond. Have you ever noticed that? When a child wants something, they typically don’t beat around the bush-they come right out & say it!

Too many times I think I act like a child…in the negative sense. I can be stubborn. I can be selfish. I can be what some would say “rude.” And yet, God says He loves me.

God said I will be great. I had thought that meant I’d be…for lack of other words-“perfect.” I would be that perfect Christian girl who meant what they said & said what they meant, I would never swore & just listen to “God-honoring” music, I would always wear modest cloths no matter how hot it was, I would never watch R-rated movies, and I would most definitely never be alone with a guy in the dark…

Rather I have done those things I didn’t want to do and haven’t done the things I wanted to do…Like Paul. Then there’s times when I’ve done things I wanted to do and not what the Holy Spirit wanted me to do…like Peter. Sometimes I doubt and think all this stuff about grace & forgiveness is just a myth…like Thomas.

And yet, after everything is said and done, God whispers in my ear His Truth:

“So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone. The whole building is being fitted together in Him and is growing into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for God’s dwelling in the Spirit.”-Ephesians 3:19-22

My brothers and sisters, you are not alone and you never forsaken. Our God is a good God and He has came for you. He knows your story, He uses your story. He waits for you, His child to come home…to start over…to be made new. Most importantly, whatever path you choose know He loves you.