
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Always & Forever About Jesus

 Another morning lounging around until noon in my pjs, I thought, “I suppose I should do some devotions.” Another example on how I am totally imperfect. Devotions shouldn’t be a chore, but with the everyday demands of life, it can unfortunately feel like it. With this mentality I then felt guilty for even trying to do devotions-I was already distracted by texting my friends and discussing nonsense. But the Lord had something else in mind. Regardless, of my distractions and somewhat shame, He told me to read Ecc. 4

*I realize a lot of my blog posts begin this way. Just know it’s going to be a good one.
I don’t know about you but this chapter broke down into four different and specific topics for me.

1.      Life
2.      Money
3.      Companionship
4.      Wisdom

Going further than that, these passages spoke about the motivation for behind each topic.

1.      My idea behind life
2.      My idea behind  money
3.      My idea behind companionship
4.      My idea behind wisdom

The more I thought about my life (this would be a good part to think about your own), a lot of what really motivates me…is me. Think about it. Why do you do what you do? To get ahead in life? To have something more than another? 

Although these things (love, money, family, ect.) can be good, even great things…the motivation behind all of it is really selfishness.

I admit as this year has gone by with all of the preparations to go back to India, there have been times in which I thought I was the coolest thing ever. Here I was going across seas and going on this awesome adventure, while others were not. Selfish thinking I know. It didn’t begin that way. But at some point those thoughts crept in.

So I thought to myself, “How do become more giving and less selfish in these areas of my life?”
Tis the season of giving. But is giving really only designated for a season? As a Christian, a Christ Follower, we need to change that. I defiantly need to change that!

So how do we transition from
Well like any transition in life, it needs to involve Jesus.

Believe it or not, I didn’t come up with that on my own. It literally took talking to my friend (yes, the friend I was texting during devotions) to remind me. I was recalling the Christmas gifts I recently bought for my sister and a thought came to my mind, “And why did I buy those specific gifts?” My answer, “Well, I want my sister to know Jesus.”

That, that is the answer. The solution. 

That, that is the real reason why I am going to India-so I can better tell people in India about Jesus.
That should be the reason for everything we want in life as Christ Followers because we acknowledge the greatest gift ever given-Jesus.

Like the birth of a child, it brings about a change, a new chapter. It is full of responsibilities, full of stress, full of joys. It requires intensive care, nourishment, and love.

Jesus knew exactly what He was doing by being born by the virgin Mary and to her husband Joseph those many years ago. God knew the exact time and place where Jesus was going to be born. He orchestrated it as such. He was in control even when the inn keeper said there was no room, He was in control when they had to leave Bethlehem due to King David being on a jealousy killing spree, and He was certainly in control when Jesus was being lead to the cross.

It’s always and forever about Jesus.

Look it up, all through the scriptures, regardless of the circumstances God replies: “This has happened so that the glory of God may be revealed and everyone would know that He is the one, true & living God.”  

In fact the whole Nativity Scene can shed light on our matter at hand & our motivations. I would go take a look at it if I were you.

I was about to end my devotions there, listen to the worship song: “It’s All About You” and call it a day. But no, we cannot end there. So we have the solution to our question, but do we have an action plan. We can’t just shot out an answer of, “Jesus” and stop there.

So I analyzed my topics again:
1.      Family (giving life to another)
2.      Career (stable finances)
3.      A Spouse (Companionship)
4.      Wisdom

Instead of my motivation for these things simply being because I want them (man, I sound like a typical American). But putting myself aside and putting Jesus front & forward, my action plan for doing so is as such:

1.      Instead of just wanting a family, I would want a family (if God allows it) to have more people with dynamic personalities to minister to the parts of the world unreached.
2.      In my career choice and motivation for that possibly being money (in which a lot of times it is), I should remember that no matter what happens God takes care of me. He is always faithful and He provides my needs.
3.      To have a companion in this life shouldn’t be to just eliminate my loneliness, but   because “two cords are better than one.” Too many times I try to do things alone, but with these big dreams of mine, I can’t do this by myself. I need a partner who is also in Christ & we need to all be a team.
4.      To not be wise in my own eyes, I need to always be seeking counsel and remembering that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”

Your Turn:
·         So do you have a problem with selfishness too? If so, we’re twins!
·         Do you know why you’re selfish or what motivates it?
·         How are you going to become selfless?
·         Do you find Jesus to be the answer?
·         How do you find Jesus to be the answer?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"Make it About the Cause & Not so Much About You”-my Volunteer Management Prof @MSU

<<Nothing revolves around me, why would I ever think it does?>>

I woke up from my already terrifying dream to a woman screaming, “HELP!” It’s not like I live in a terrible neighborhood, but then again I have heard similar things before. My dream composed of both a nightmare and that fantasy life I always imagine having…

I was in India shadowing a missionary. It was as if I were already on my internship, except I knew this wasn’t what I had in mind. It was both better than what I had in mind and absolutely horrifying.

We were ministering to these specific children in this one community. We had established already a learning center where children not only expressed themselves through art, but most importantly learned about Jesus and His powerful love for them.

In my dream, we were never with more than two students at a time. Due to this dynamic setup, we built immediate rapport. However, due to being in India-a predominate Hindu country and full of Christian persecution, both us and the children knew the tremendous risk of being together. In my dream, we did have one young woman choose to leave our organization and choose to be a young bride. We had to accept that lose and just pray.

I was nervous and scared, but not as much I should have been. I was more focused on unprepared I was and how I stink with children (unless it’s my Ella Bella Boo Bear). But the children trusted me. One even rested her head upon my shoulders.

But all of that was about to change in an instant. All of sudden, a loud horn blew…or maybe it was my alarm…like my legit alarm telling me it was time to get & do the homework I’ve been putting off…Anyways, the horn drew all the community members into this stadium like set up. Now this stadium wasn’t fancy by any means, it was built of rock and the middle of the stadium was simply dirt & sand. In the middle also stood an older gentlemen…actually I don’t know if I can even call him that after what he proceeded to do…he was talking to the people angrily and called a small boy child to the platform built in the mud. The missionary and I were just lingering in the background, trying to pretend that we were preoccupied by something else. I, however, caught glimpses of what was taking place just a few yards away. The older man proceeded to make fun of the Christians and mock God for not being the God who saves. He then pulled out a rifle and aimed it at the young boy. I couldn’t watch.

Obviously, after a dream like that I HAD to pray.

I don’t know what the dream meant, but I do know one thing-as Christians here in America, we certainly don’t know what it means to be Christian. As my Philosophy Professor says, “You think that you know, but you don’t know.”

I am guilty as well.

Instead of being a “little Christ” as the word Christian implies, we (and I included) sit in our cozy hovering chairs, sipping an extra-large coke from McDonald’s, and playing on the latest IPad…and yes, I’m most certainly comparing us to the people in Wall-E.

I asked God what that dream was about. His answer was as plain as day:

“Will you follow me?”

The Holy Spirit then took me to Ephesians 5: 6-14, with an emphasis on verse 10.

As “Little Christs” we embody that light scripture refers to. Will we be the light in the dark places? Especially when all other lights go out? (sorry LOTR is a fav of mine too).
India is a place where billions upon billions upon billions of people dwell in darkness. This darkness begins spiritually, transcends emotionally and ruptures physically. I am not hating on other people’s beliefs. What I do hate are lies that are captivating our brothers and sisters in India and are keeping them in bondage. Hinduism is a religion where thousands of deities are worshipped. On every street corner, in every taxi or bus, you will see an idol. People are wrapped into this mentality that an image made out of stone and clay, bedazzled with flowers and gems, will save them. Of course these images represent that of which were presented in ancient texts and stories. The same texts and stories that say one group of people is better than another and that those on the bottom should always be at the bottom. People get upset by the horrors they have heard or seen by so called Christians, but Hinduism also has its horrors. Culture is shaped by these lies; lies I will not hesitate to say are from Satan himself. Children are forced into slavery and forced to be temple prostitutes. Woman being abused by men, even burned or tortured. Elders forgotten and widows left to wonder the streets. As Americans we may know the pain and the hunger, we may know how it feels to live in the streets and beg, but we do not know the utter darkness that penetrates those living in India.

If by somehow we do or have caught a glimpse of what I just described, then why aren’t we doing something about it?

As the band Casting Crowns sings, “If we are the Body, why aren’t His arms reaching? Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His words not teaching?”

When I came home from another long and frustrating day at work the other day, I came home to be greeted by Sandra’s friend who is a prophetess. I’ve always been hesitant on when people say they have that spiritual gift, but the New Testament does note it is a gift (now there are some stipulations with that gift, but I will not explain them now). She was just about the leave but had forgotten something inside; thus, giving her and me the perfect time to meet. She boosted about how pretty I was…with my stained uniform, messy hair and all. Then she said this over me: “You’re about to finish school.” I agreed; for with my IDP degree I will be graduating next December instead of in two years. She then said, “You have been greatly blessed.” I agreed; as Sandra always notes I haven’t had to really worry about anything, that God has made things go smoothly. Then she said, “You are planning something after you graduate, but it will not happen. However, it is for your good and God’s glory.” I think she was referring to the plans of traveling around the US and doing outreach ministry with one of my friends. But we will see.

“My ways are not your ways,” says the Lord. “Nor are my thoughts, your thoughts.” –Isaiah 55:8

Why do I tell you this?

Because despite the fact that every time I think I am alone or messed up for good, or I went too far or this time is somehow different-God has ALWAYS been faithful to me! He has never failed nor will He ever! Our God, Yahweh, Jesus, is faithful and will prevail through all and every darkness! He will set the prisoners free! He will bring justice! He will bring restoration! He will bring peace! But our ways are not His ways and our thoughts are not His thoughts. Thus, how He brings these things may not be as you have planned.

I don’t have the answers as to exactly why things happen, why there’s evil in this world and why we must fight the darkness. But I do know that Jesus is alive and His spirit lives in those who have surrendered their lives to Him. We have the same power that rose Jesus from the grave in us. We can and will do more than what was told of Jesus-He says it Himself!

  • Will you let the lies of the world deceive you? Or will you be children of the Light?

  • Will you find out what pleases the Lord and answer His call to make disciples of all nations? Or will you continue to live a life caught in the web of societal demands and chasing after the wind?

Jesus is for India. Jesus is for all of us. Are you with Jesus?