
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

dark vanity

sharp blade, can not bare the pain
heart blurry from a two ton weight
flesh is steady but the Soul is melting
every note and cord tugg'n on once was
making today yesterday and the nights before

love you once, loved you once more
came to take the dignity
tossed fro and far from here
in a big triumphant van

is it everything
is it just half 

disgrace and disgust
whispers in the basement
grabbing that sweeper
the apathy cut much deeper

don't want to stay, never going to go
by your side or to the coast
never felt better when the drugs gone
but you're forcing a payment

is it everything
is it just half 

I'm better, I'm bitter
could have been closer than a sister
looking up, looking in between
this rooms going be so empty when I'm clean

There's a scarlet letter waiting on the guitar
toes ripped and scarred
those strings are just too hard
this Thing is just way too hard

is it everything
is it half

Worry, Anxiety, and Fear

"...But when she opened that door, she did not see what she expected to see. For this is kind of hard to put into focus for you, the reader. For what used to be her narrow hallway leading to the other rooms of the apartment, was what seemed to be a dark, dark cave. It smelled of rank and torches were lite on the sides in the exact places where the doors used to be standing. Maria, to help contain herself, laughed a sarcastic laugh-"Oh! Might as well play along!" Maria claimed to be still in a daze, not letting the possibility that this could be reality sink in. Of course, she had opened her eyes and everything she could feel, see, and hear was clear. She proceeded to walk through what seemed like dogs drool that went to the top of her ankles, luckily she was wearing sweatpants. She drudged her way to the kitchen.
   Scanning the vast of her new surroundings, what used to be the kitchen was now  just a brittle wooden table with a stone chair. The table held a medium sized rusted pot with an eating utensil placed inside it. Mud now replaced the once tiled floor and gray stone now covered where the ceiling fan once dangled. "My brain is pretty creative to come up with this perception of my ordinary life." the almost adult whispered to herself. Continuing to play along, she proceeded to act like James Bond and took her time sneaking upon the voices she had just started to hear resonating from the living room. 
   "Whawt'ca T'ink'n" growled a dirty, slurred voice.
   "U'll o-ld haaaag uuu." responded another equally as rough and rustic voice.
   "SHUTTTTUP! ARRRRLLLL YA!" continued a third.
  Maria continued to listen to the three voices; all worse in understanding and piercing to the bones.
   "Wazzz I not or wazzz I not, thur wen r Leader triumphed ovz the one thyz cal king?! May r Ledaer ee rriegn on hi; hiz triumph or heee."
   "Don't mention that onnnnne, Ssenneknurd!"
   "I ee wasn't. Holds e'z tong whilez u'z hav onnnne. I'z mack'n a pointtt. I'z aaa have a plan."
   Their voices were full of secrecy, lure and brought chills. She imagined the most ugliest of creatures, like those things you see in a horror film. "Oh how fun!" She thought and ran with excitement into their presence. Her first mistake."
             -Penetrated (taken from chapter one)

 Have you ever experienced fear-filled moments? Has anything ever shook you to the core, made your heart fall into your stomach, or made you cringe? Perhaps, it was the new hit thriller that made you crawl into a tiny ball as the murder crept upon an unsuspecting victim. Or maybe it was when your teacher was passing back your finals and this grade could make you or brake you. Was it a time you had to confront a problem with a loved one, or hear that that loved one "just wasn't going to last the night." Did your eyes burn, your body ach? Was it due to anticipation and anxiety as you waited for someone to find you while playing hide-and-go-seek; or was it during the nights you prayed someone to rescue from the hell that waited outside your bedroom door? What ever that moment was (or moments), we can know we have ALL had some experience of worry, anxiety, and fear.

I Know I have certainly had a hand full of them. Fear is certainly something we will all have, all want to get rid off, and all must confront. It's not fun and obviously not enjoyable! And strangely, fear has levels doesn't it?! There's a level for a fear a spiders up to the fear to crashing in an airplane. The fear of dying or the fear of not finding a prom date. Psychology then not only teaches the levels, but then states they can be classified into rational and irrational fears. A rational fear would be something that can actually happen to you-like losing your car keys. An irrational fear is something that of which you have proposed in your head but can not/does not actually pertain to you-like the fear of snakes when you have never even seen a snake.
  • What are some of your fears?
  • What level would you place them at if 1 being no fear and 10 being outrageously afraid of?
  • Are each of those fears rational? What about irrational?
Have you ever seen the movie the Prince of Egypt? It is an animated movie from the 90's that tells about the story of Moses. Check out this trailer:
There is this fantastic scene where Aaron (Moses's brother) is just ramming on the people and Moses. Just calling out the blatantly obvious fact that they are slaves, are worthless, and are under a scrupulous ruler who controls their freedom. Moses takes this into consideration, he knows their pain. As he scans the crowd of dirty, worn-out, fearful faces he is reminded of one Truth however:
Aaron: But, Moses, didn't you see what happened? The priests did the same thing. Pharaoh still has the power over our lives.
Moses: Yes, Aaron, it's true. Pharaoh has the power. He can take away your food, your home, your freedom. He can take away your sons and daughters. With one word, Pharaoh can take away your very lives. But there is one thing he cannot take away from you: Your faith. Believe, for we will see God's wonders.
I love that right there. Sadly, though this quote is not present in the Bible, that is why I encourage you to read the book of Exodus. Note the fears from all the sides, see if they were rational or not.

"One caught a glimpse of her.
   "OH MY! ARGHHHH! GRA!!" Scrambled one to his feet-or as Maria would describe, flew up.
She wasn't surprised by his reaction, but was more taken back by his appearance.
  "I say inn onez nema, wo iz uu?!"
This breathtaking, extravagant creature spoke. They were not ugly as she would have guessed-not even a smidge of terror dressed them! Instead they were clothed in what appeared as marvelous, dazzling white robes. Huge and magnificent they were. But fear provoking they were not. 
  "SPEAK! ORZ YAH NOT BEEE SPARED!" said another.
Drawing swords and shinning armor, they all three rose in splendor. It penetrated her mind and in a split second she shivered from the glory.
  "Okay. Okay. We can stop with this act, this is my dream and I'm the boss..Let's a change with the whole barf look and put some roses over there.." Marie started pointing to direct scenery in what she believed to be fake.
  "KA! Roses!"
  "Thez onne iz nott of here" Whispered one Maria assumed was Ssenneknurd.
He was somehow the boss of the other two she gathered by the way he orchestrated their display. All that could be seen underneath their sparkling and lavishly white robe's hood was a pitiful, dark mouth. Round, rotten, and black.
  "Are we nnot a beautiful zight fourrr uz?" Said the one on the left.
  "Whatz ar uz anywayz?" Said the one the right.
  "SPEAK." Commanded Ssenneknurd.
  "Arez uz a demon?"
  "No, shez nott, Etah." Answered Ssenneknurd.
  "Demon! Why no I am not a tormenting, defying demon! Wow, this is one abnormal dream...must of bumped my head somewhere..." Maria consciously rubbed her head.
  "DREAM!?" Hysterically questioned the one on the left.
  "SHH, SEIL!" Scowled Etah.
  Ssenneknurd ascended a lil closer, "Dream? wez feast onnnz dreams."
She could have sworn she say a glimpse of a human face under his robe, but it was only faintly. 
  "Yeees, I'llz putz ur prec-ious mind aaahts ease."
  As they continued closer, a chilling feeling crawled upon Maria's heart and for some odd reason the thoughts of last night's suicidal thoughts swept back into her memory. But she was still in bed, wasn't she?
  "Strange onnne, youz do nott dream this hour. Annnd yet, uz nottt truly awake-ened."
  "Nevvver thee les, iz nott our job to giva either!" Spit Seil.
After each stroke of their words, it did seem very much to Maria's comprehension that the ground became a little more slimier and the stench a little more fouler. 
  "I don't understand. None of this can be true! You're flying for heaven's sake!"
 "Ahhhz Mak er stop! Mak er stop!" Covered Etah's ears.
 "Shee wantz the Truth." Smirked the middle.
The others immediately started bickering on how this was a bad idea and why, but Ssenneknurd simply held out his hand up and silenced them. His long rob must have covered his hand because Maria only say a wisp.
  "Nottt all whoz haz eyes can cee, not all who has earz can hear."..."

Recently, my coworker presented me with a verse that I would like to share with you over these topics. I encourage you to read the whole chapter.

Psalm 56:4

New International Version (NIV)
    In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?
  • What does that mean/look like to you?
It was encouraging to me to remember this Truth. What can mere mortals do to me? No one can do what God can do. Remember that. People can do some pretty horrific things, and situations can produce outrageous amounts of anxiety, but no one compares to God. Man can destroy body, claims the Word. But only God can destroy the soul. Why do you treble so? Why do you worry? If you are a child of the Creator (which you are), you have NOTHING TO FEAR.