This all began because of, but not limited to, Matthew 6...and thus, let my "spaghetti" like thoughts entangle, capture, and inspire you...
Passage address three things in my opinion. It talks about:
- appearance
- money
- worry
But when you really stop to think about's all really about appearance right?
I asked myself these questions, ask them of yourself:
- Do you worry about money because of what you're doing/because of your appearance(s)?
- Where is your reward, where is your treasure, where is your priority? (same things?)
- Does God really care about our happiness?
- Does caring=giving? Or "always" giving?
- Does knowledge (in this case the knowing of what is needed other than what is wanted) trump caring?-Thus put, does what God know what is best for you or His knowledge of the situation trump His caring about what you want?
- Does God know what will make me happy but doesn't always give it to me because it is not what I need?
- What do I need? (I personally believe now days that the answer is not "just God", for we also need community: "For it is not good for man to be alone...")
- Can you know something without feeling it?
- What do I need: more knowledge or more emotion?
Contemplating this concept of God or if God has qualities that trump others like knowledge trumping caring, this is what I came up with:
I don't believe God has qualities that trumps the other. His revealing of specific qualities over another at one time is based off upon who He is and what He is not. He is God; He is not man. Or what if there is never such a thing as one quality of His shown at one time? No, because that would be diminishing somebody's experience of Him. One may need Him to be gracious, while the other merciful. One might Him to be Father, while the other Lover. So there is no trumping of qualities and there is no such thing as Him showing/ being just one quality at a time. He is all, all at once; because all is needed and all is needed at once-for He is God and He is not man. But what if we focused on one person's interaction with the Divine and step aside from the whole population's experience? Is God still all those things at once to one man regardless if he needs/wants it or not? I think this is where the comprehension of the Infinite God becomes fathomless. For thing is, we do need Him to be all who He is, for He is everything good, at every given moment. Ever hear the question from the Devil's advocate: "Would God ever create a rock heavier than Himself?" Well, the obvious answer is "no". For if God were to create a rock or anything for that matter, heavier than Himself He would cease to be God. For to be God is to be Ultimate, Author & Finisher, Strength, Alpha & Omega, Jehovah, El Shaddai, Abba, Cornerstone, Anchor of our souls and on and on and on. He is God; He is not man. You may persist that you can label this god under one specific philosophy, note a wisdom created by man, and you may say: "Well, man can also experience two qualities/emotions at once." First, we would have to separate qualities and emotions however. Qualities bring about predictable emotions based off of the surrounding or protruding situation. Emotions are for example: happy, sad, upset, angry. Qualities are for example: joyful, depressing, giving. One outlasts the other longer because of an engraved logic or "un-erasable" experience. So can man have more than one quality at once? Does no matter what I'm doing change who I am? I think it is about choice and decisions that make me who I am or who I think I am or who I think others perceive me to be. So to answer that question is yes. But then as you can see, I bring up another point-our qualities or nature can change. Based on the definition I gave for qualities anyway,-"one outlasts the other longer because of an engraved logic or "un-erasable" experience. So a quality is not eternal...? One could argue: "But isn't the qualities of who I am the essence or soul of who I am?" To that I ask, "is it?" What is your soul? For now we've gotten a tad more insight on who God is, for He is not man, but what is man and what isn't man? I am reminded of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel where God blows into the bodies to finally give them life. This was not the Holy Spirit, for it did not note spiritual gifts/talents bestowed on them nor did they perform any. No, this was to give them their own lives. So breathe. We are made alive through breathe; not only just breathe but God's breathe. It's's like...putting batteries into that new device you got for Christmas. All the gadgets and gismos are already assembled (in our case God fashioned us) and then all was needed was that spark of encased energy (in our case: God in us). But you say, "Sam, how can God be in us but not us?" I ask, "Is the new device named/labeled as/or is the power source put into it? No. An Apple laptop or Sony television is not named after the power source but it is named after/labeled/is based off it's owner or designer." This is where the limited human becomes fathomless. Who can fully know God? And who can fully know what makes a human? So is it the qualities that make the soul? Are qualities changeable thus making the soul also changeable? Or are our souls like our DNA-series of patterns that produce highly predictable qualities & nature? That brings about the debate over nature vs. nurture. I do not think our souls can change. Nor do I believe they can be taken...they can only be given. Our souls were given from God-for that's what makes us alive (note the difference between "alive" & "awake"; His Holy Spirit and just His breathe) and now we have the choice where to give it back. Well, actually we must remember that in this case, that not choosing to give it is choosing to give it-just not to the Lover of it. So we could instead say, our qualities are our nature, for our nature does change based off of what circumstances we allow to be attached to our core. This is what needs to be perfected; for we because of Adam and Eve have a sin nature. But the theologians would argue: "Are you saying that Jesus died only for a part of who we are and not a whole?" Yes..and no. Remember the wineskin illustration Jesus once used (Luke 5:37)? It is like that. Because of sin, our qualities are flawed/our nature broken or in error like old wineskins. When we are given life, that second in the womb when our hearts beat for the first time and chemical reactions we can not fathom happen, this instant God breathed in us & said, "YOU ARE ALIVE!" is when the wine in our illustration is poured in. Pretty soon the wine will spoil since it is not contained properly. That "spoiling" is what sin does left uncontained. Left uncontained is not accepting what Jesus has done for you and not living your life in concordance to Him. All in all, we need God to be God every single part, quality, and aspect of Him in every moment to every individual. For He is God and we are man.
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