You ever look at the sky during a storm (that is if you like storms) and think, "Yeah, I know the one
who makes those. Yeah, we're friends. Yeah, we're pretty tight."
I crack myself up because I think this all the time and I am absolutely left in awe! You can know God personally! He actually wants to be part of your everyday life! This is part of the reason Jesus (God) came to earth. Just kinda sorta (sarcasm).
You can start a relationship with God today, right now. Just talk to Him. "Accepting Jesus
into your heart" is simply confessing you accept that you have sinned and accept His gift.
Having that daily relationship with the Lord now for twelve years (it's pretty much a marriage i.e: reason for my latest tattoo...), it is easy for me to think about what I have done for Him rather than what God has done for me. I am currently going through the Gospel of Matthew and chapter 23 is what inspired this post today.
Click to read Matthew 23
This is a huge, huge dagger in the gut of any religious person. Thus, I hate it when people call me religious. Yet, as much as I like to dissociate myself from religious folk I can not help but ask myself (you included):
What in me is more religious than following Jesus?
Remember religion is man's attempt to get right with God.
Jesus made things right.
He is the only way to God, the Father.
There is nothing you can do to earn this.
Through these verses I was convicted to also ask myself:
What is greater in my life, my money or my mission?
What is greater, my tithe/sacrifice or the Alter? (Jesus=the Alter)
Is what I've done or become bare more weight than God's commands?
What are your thoughts?
In verse 30 Jesus makes a mockery of the Pharisee's justification of self-righteousness: "You say you wouldn't do this or that, but oh how you do and how you are still." Check out what I mean by clicking the link above. This reminded me of when people comment: "I wouldn't have grabbed the apple in the Garden of Eden. I would have listened." First, I respond by saying it was not an apple and to go read your Bible. Second, I note that you most certainly would. We all would. Because we all do today. If there is a line to not cross, we will cross it. It doesn't matter if it was God who gave the command or nawt!
But I'm preaching to the chore right now ain't I?
These words are nothing new.
It was/is easy for religious people to point to the sinner and say: "Thank you God I am not like that guy/girl." But it is also easy for a "follower of Jesus" to point to the religious person and say: "Thank you God I am not like them!" Both stances portray exalting ourselves and justifying our actions.
If you should boast, boast in Lord.-1 Corinthians 1: 31
That's all folks.
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