is it true that you'll love me no matter what I'd do?/is there really a God up in the sky that cares for you & I?/What is it that I am that makes Him a man/a man to die for my needs/and my messed up wants?/are you everything I lack?/everything I wish to have?/somethings missing for sure-no denying that/is it true you whisper in this heart of mine?/telling great & unimaginable things such as everythings fine?-there is peace/is it true that there are arms of grace extended wide?/Despite the fact that I hide?/I can no longer look my self in the eye/is it true that your are the perfect guy?/how to be sure these are not fables?/how to be sure you are not a dream/if I were to really wake-perhaps I'd see the insides/are you something I can feel?/Thomas once had a chance/can you appear to me/please draw near/are we all your children?/are we all truly set free?/what about these chains I bind around what you call righteous-do you still love me?/do you turn your gaze to something more tasteful?/are you close to those who hunger?/for those who are weak and dying/to those who are written in the golden book of yours & still throw dirt in their faces/why do you care?/why do you continue to show such kindness?/before the plea for a savior slid from our tongues you took the guilt/can you take my shame now?/a body lies broken in my arms/and I can't bare to carry the lifeless only Life/turn my unbelief to faith
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