
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Lord's (part two)

"My dear Frodo, Hobbits really are amazing
creatures. You can learn all that there
  is to know about their ways in a month,
and yet, after a hundred years, they can
   still surprise you."
-Gandalf/ The Lord of The Rings Fellowship of the Ring

  • Have you ever wanted to be someone or something other than yourself?
=Yes. Believe it or not there  was a point in time I actually wanted to be a cat…

  • A cat?!

=Yes, a cat. I mean why not, right? hahah. They have nine lives and all! No, but for reals-I thought about it one day as I sat watching my grandma's cats stroll around her big yard. My attention was captivated by this thought:
Why didn't God just make me a cat?Why did God have to make me a human being?Why must I be who I am?

  • That is a very profound question-with the exception about the whole cat thing because that is just a tad strange. So how did you end up answering that question?                                                                                      
=Although honestly I still battle today with identity and worth, that particular day I was reminded of something that I was once very ascetic about to other girls who struggled with self-reflection. For some reason I had thought that my self-loathing was different than that of my friend's because their focus seemed to be wrapped up in their image and mine was predominantly about who I was at the core. But God still had the same message for me as that of which I preached to others and it started like this:

In the beginning, God created man in His image. (Genesis 1:27-31). Who was this God that human beings were of His image? He was/is one of absolute splendor & majesty (Job 13:11a, Isaiah 2:10). And why did He create man? (Colossians 1:9-14).

So man and woman show up on the scene, created from perfection to reflect that perfection and enjoy the One who was/is perfect. So what happens? God loved them so much He let them have free will. Their free will leads them to disobey & disconnect (Romans 5:12-21). Then what? God still desires what He created to enjoy what they were meant to be, so He has the now imperfect man replicate numerous items to reflect that splendor & majesty that they/we were to be. Those items being the Arc of the Covenant and the Holy Tabernacle.

Check out some of these INCOMPREHENSIBLE details put into these structures! Really, it is UTTERLY AMAZING! If you have never read about these, please PLEASE spend time now-even if it is just a glance, try to soak in all these INTRICATE & MINUTE details and their SIGNIFICANT WORTH! (Exodus 25:10-40, chap. 26).

God's awesome presence had to dwell in these makeshifts till things were once again right with His people-for men's hearts are evil & there is no such thing as light mixing with the darkness (Ecclesiastes 9:2-3). But His love never faltered. He took our punishment of death-for sin is that serious & He not only made a way back into His embrace but chose to live IN us (John 14:15-31, 15:1-7).

So, in Truth I did not and could not answer that question by myself.
I may not always understand or like the fact that I am here, but one thing I can not deny is that I have a worth-a worth more than all the gold & silver, like that of the Arc or Tabernacle. And I have that priceless & matchless grace bestowed upon me ONLY because Jesus has CHOSEN to dwell IN me instead of just let me be His creation or creature that seeks Him in a box.

How do you answer that age old question of why we are here and who are we?

How are you coming up with your answers?

How do you know that when you find an answer it is worth staking your whole legacy into?

Do you know or understand/can you wrap your brain around an Almighty God not only designing you, but loving you, choosing you, freeing you & adorning you?
Why or why not?

Share you thoughts below.

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