The image you see above is a makeshift of an image portrayed through a window and curtains. It is something I saw as a teen in my bedroom while doing devotions. What I saw was what looked like a big cross projecting in the center while to the left and behind the main cross was another. So the image is two crosses. The main one, being the reminder of Jesus's sacrifice & triumph while the other is our's as reminded and or calling portrayed in Luke 9: 23-24. From that symbol and seeking God after what my purpose in life was, I gathered that this would be something I would use in ministry.
So what exactly was God calling me to do? Nothing more than what He calls all His followers to do-tell the world of His great love for them (Matthew 28:18). I have had so many reminders of this very thing...surprisingly a lot when I have a crush on them...strange how that works. Any who, in addition to this main calling God placed in me specific gifts and talents uniquely placed to glorify Him in my own personal way. Just like He has for each one of you! For me those gifts and talents were not to talk to animals like I thought when I was in Elementary, rather it is teaching His Word. He led me to scripture such as Matthew 10 and Isaiah 42 which is a key in discovering what God desires for you to use what cha got-dive into His Word!
My visions didn't begin when I finally gave my life over to Christ though, they started way back. And the same could possibly be said for you. Since I was a child I remember I adored writing stories, helping my friends learn the material in a proficient way, and leading, even if that meant leading silently or behind someone else (which can still be leading). So what do I want to do today? Funny, around the very same things! I want to be professor who teaches about world religions and philosophy but how Yahwey is the true God of gods. I want to write devotionals and self-help books that share what I have learned through my walk and education through Jesus. I want to travel to India and help rescue the woman who deserve much more.-Can't for sure pinpoint where that passion came from, but I am sure it comes from just being an awesome person (jokes).
In concordance to those visions as a youngster, I also had this dream that my 6 year crush would ride up on a white horse and deliver me from my second story window (Tyler, I'm still waiting).
But in all seriousness, one Holiday season I started drawing what I wanted my future house to look like:
Funny, it kind of had the landscape of my Grandmother's house in a way.
This house (my dream house) was designed with 3 floors. The first floor, you walk into the living room and if continuing to go straight would walk up stairs. To the right when you first walk in is a rounded doorway (very important...not sure why) into a big kitchen. If you turned to the left in the living room you enter through two glass sliding doors to an elongated cemented area for the dogs (my husband would have the dogs because I hate them). This area will also have a small kids play area with a big laundry room The main hallway has another hallway going right after the kitchen space, this leads to the big wooden porch on the right side of the house. The porch descends down to a worship center that is attached to the home. Behind the church, in the center of the house is my office for counseling. Back inside, the main hallway has a half bathroom and a door proceeding to the basement.
has roughly 4-5 bedrooms for the individuals and/or families whom we will help get back on their feet. When you first walk down you enter a huge living room. All the bedrooms are small room surrounding that perimeter. Walking through the living room South ward to your left you'll find a full bathroom and following, a good sized school room. If you turn east in the living room and then North you'll enter the gigantic kitchen used to serve whom ever comes our way.
(this is where it looks a lot like my Grandmother's) You right away have to turn left or right-to your right is a full bathroom, to your left are the kids room (when I first drew this I made it so they had to share a room...don't think that is going to happen). When going left the hallway turns quickly back South and you'll enter our room with a fireplace (I don't even know if it's possible to have a fireplace on the second floor...) If you follow the hallway East past our bedroom you will enter my husband's office for his pastoral/professor-al duties hahahah.
Why did I have this vision as a child? And way before I even knew Jesus personally? Strange but amazing!
What about you? What are you dreams? Hopes? Visions? What is your calling?
I am praying you discover it and are constantly reassured though your seeking of God.
I can't count how many times I have been reassured and encouraged by others in the regards of these passions. Just today God added to my vision of starting a church or ministry or non-profit organization (He doesn't always give specifics!). One of my main interests is to begin educating those here in America who are either new Christians and/or have misunderstood what it means to be one. God took me to Ezekiel 22. The chapter is about how Israel, God's chosen people, are missing the mark...again. Verse 26 really jumped out at me as it reads:
"Her priests do violence to my law and profane my holy things; they do not distinguish between the holy and the common; they teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean; and they shut their eyes to the keeping of my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them."
I was taken to this reading before just a month or so ago. It got me thinking and asking:
- What is holy? What is not?
- What is clean and what is not?
- How are we dishonoring the Sabbath? Is it really that important?
Some toughies, but that's how I roll. God reminded of Matthew 13:13-17 and then gave me a mission statement I believe for whatever ministry He wants me a part of:
We are to be:
- distinguished= which is a verb, something you do/ to mark off as different/ to be perceived clearly/ and to make prominent
- teaching differences= God trumps all/ and we are Chosen to be His
- opening eyes=to recognize sin/ realize their brokenness/ and note restoration in Jesus
Why did I share all of this? Not quite sure...but I did WARN you I like to write. I suppose I asking for prayer as well. As we speak (or as you read & I write) I am looking for job opportunities that fit these dreams, hopes, visions and calling of mine. So if you have any leads-HIT ME UP! yah. Love yall.
"History Maker" by Hillsong Delirious
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