Who Do We Follow Again?
My first introduction to this particular Christian sect focusing on reclaiming their identity as Israelites was a piece of paper explaining the identity of Jesus. If you have read any of my blogs, you will know that I have explored this very concept before (just briefly, but sufficiently for such a light matter in my view) in regards to Jesus's race. If you have not, you can follow the link provided here:
"Are You Going To Pay For That?" http://samanthareeser.blogspot.com/2014/07/are-you-going-to-pay-for-that.html
The point of the matter is Jesus is neither "white" or "black", he was middle eastern. But does it really matter? Does knowing what Jesus's skin & hair looked like really matter in the scheme of things? Are we really going to debate about this rather than debate about what He meant when He said, "I am the Way, the Truth, & the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."?(John 14:6)
I almost feel as if this is a similar conversation as to debating whether to call God father or mother-a new issue I have been witnessing among my Christian friends. This whole issue of masculinity in the Bible isn't something we should be shocked about, but neither should we be worried about it. It is no surprise that over the many centuries of human history that man has been proudly dominating themselves over women. Yes, there are a lot of men dominance displayed in the Bible, but this does not mean that God has created the genders unequally nor does He not give the same calling to women as to the men. Many times in the Gospels we witnessed Jesus healing, witnessing, and telling women to spread the good news. So the real question isn't necessarily why the Bible addresses God as a He, but the question of the matter is again how we view our God. I personally don't mind what people address our Creator as, but again I do care when we hold this minor aspect higher than the teachings. Again let us remind ourselves of what scripture says, "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."-Jesus (John 4:24). Thus, my brothers & sisters (as you will see the newer translations of the Bible saying instead of just "brothers"), God is neither male nor female. God is much more grander than being simplified as male or female. God is much more magnificent then we can ever imagine.
So where do you fall? Are these "elementary teachings" so to speak tripping you up, why or why not? Do these minor aspects present themselves as a big issue to you? Why? Do these things make you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel that you cannot relate to your God? To this Jesus?
"Blessed is the man who does not stumble on account of me."
-John 11
I advise you to read the whole chapter & write your comments below. Let's talk about this.
My next exploration in this series will hopefully be more in depth as we dive into this notion of "God's Chosen People".