
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Atheist-part 2

Arguments against God and Christianity

1) "God is not good. If He was good, He wouldn't send people to hell..."

= God doesn't send people to hell, we choose it. God is just like any other parent who when they see you've done wrong there is a punishment for it. Every good parent corrects their child when they are wrong.
- you could then ask: if it's free will then why is there a right and wrong choice?= Free Will is the power to choose for ourselves what path to take, not the power to say this is the truth and this isn't.

Scripture: John 10 "Good Shepard", James 1 "God is good & does good", Hebrews 12 "discipline", Romans 6 "sin is death & damnation", Isaiah 59 "sin is separation from God"

2)"I have more sympathy for Satan's character. It was Satan in the Garden of Eden that gave Adam & Eve wisdom."

= Genesis 1-3 we have/had free will, if we didn't we wouldn't even have come up with the excuses/reasons to disobey God. The serpent's real focus was us being like God, to know ALL things. Does this mean God didn't want us to know things? No. It was that THIS knowledge would make us more confused, afraid, and ashamed. It would lead to a spiritual death-death to that relationship with God and lead to ultimate death meaning hell, a place without God. We already established that God is good, but they didn't have scripture like we do. They had GOOD right in front of them. God called all He created good, but they didn't see it. They wanted more. And instead of letting time with God satisfy them, they allowed their reason to deceive them. This is where we see Eve's rationale to eat the fruit. God knew we couldn't handle being like Him and having all of His knowledge. We weren't created to be Him, but to follow, serve, and love Him. There is a separation between us and God, our creator.

3) "I've dug deep, like really deep and found there's nothing in Christianity."

Scripture= Hebrews 11, emphasis on verse 6, faith in unseen, examples from the Ancients, and God rewarding us.

James 1, God gives wisdom and our trials produce endurance

2nd Corinthians 4:1-6, Satan has blinded your eyes

Hebrew 6, you couldn't have had a relationship with Jesus and then denounce Him

John 4:1-42, He is the Living Water whose well never goes dry

Hosea 6, God's people continue to disappoint / sin and God punishes, then restores, He desires a relationship not religion

Colossians 1:15-23, everything is to be because God ordained it to be

2nd Timothy 3, "show me your friends and I'll show you your future", all scripture is God-breathed and not merely from men

4) "God/Jesus is against government, hierarchy and statism."

1st Samuel 8=Israelites ask for a King instead of Judges. God is offended, but He allows it to happen so we could see the errors in our ways. (Note the moment you regret getting what you ask for) Their focus was on military strength, yet God was/had already given them Victory. (Again, us humans wanting more and not allowing God to satisfy)

Judges 3=first judges / Israelites really needed a savior because they were blind and kept disobeying God

= God appoints everything and still uses our government and leaders for His will regardless of who they are. 1st Timothy is all about leaders in the church and our conduct. One of the spiritual gifts is leadership.

Side note: the people were focused on having someone going behind them, supporting them. They were always focused as well on someone going before them, a leader. But they really needed was someone inside them. And that comes when the Holy Spirit from Jesus descended in Acts.

5) "I have more freedom now. I can do what I want. I mean I still follow the morals. It taught me some good things. I still Follow The Ten Commandments, all but the first one."

Scripture: James 2:10, if you break one commandment, you break them all

The book of Romans, grace and mercy from Jesus's sacrifice / forgiveness and Resurrection / Redemption trumps the law of Moses because the law was to just show us we could never be holy as God is Holy and God wanted a relationship

Acts 4:12, No other name by which we must be saved (Jesus)

6) "Eternity spent stroking God's ego seems like God is an ass and a bunch of BS."

=Eternity with God is our joy not our burden because we have tasted and seen that God is good and we love Him. We love Him because He first loved us with an unspeakable,  uncomprehendible type of love. We were created to know Him/have a relationship with Him. All things experienced on Earth are His blessings, but they are not our prize. It's like getting to see all the merchandise for the band you came to listen to and never hearing them play. You came to see the band! God does love Himself, He is fully contained in Himself. If He didn't/wasn't, that would mean there was something greater than He to fill His needs/wants. He doesn't need us to praise him, but it is built in us and all creation because He is so good and He deserves it. If we do not worship God, Yahway, then we still are worshipping something. What is that something?

***these six points were based off a real conversation. I do not endorse debating or arguing in regards to make someone believe the same Faith as I do. Thus, my answers to these six statements were not given until now. I believe to "win" unbelievers is to love them like Jesus.

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