
Monday, August 15, 2016

"Jesus; He's One Crazy Dude!"

A quote from my beloved friend as we discussed about her life in the Spirit.
I couldn't help but think of that very quote this morning as I read the words of Matthew 26:31-56, but in particular verses 52-56.
This is the night Judas, whom note Jesus still called "friend", betrays him.
Not only does Jesus's "friend" betray Him with a kiss, but all of His other "friends" run away!
It's one messed up night!
What began as a celebrative dinner for the festival Passover called Unleavened Bread, ended now with a man's ear getting chopped off!
Can you imagine?!
The man, Jesus, fully God, the Creator of the universe in flesh, being bound & gagged like a criminal?
When I was home in Illinois this past week my sister saw my new tattoo of a crown of thorns on my wedding finger. We got to talking about what it was & what Jesus went through for our sins. She commented, "It didn't hurt though, right? When they put on the crown of thorns, they didn't hurt him right?"
Ugh, what a cute innocent statement that I had to reject!!!
In this passage of Matthew we find Jesus praying not once, not twice, but THREE times for the Father to "pass this cup from him."
Meaning Jesus was like: "No, I don't want to do this!"
But impressively Jesus continues to pray...we don't know if there was a long pause between the next statement or not...we don't know if he was actually contemplating another way or not...what we do know is that He prayed: "Not my will, but your will."
The most humbling & yet, confusing words to have fallen from our Savior's lips.
"Yet, your will..not mine."
I triple under lined this, I highlighted it, circled it & starred it.
This blows my mind!
How? Why?
Jesus, you're one crazy dude.
That you would know what the future holds, have the emotions to express anguish & yet, the glory to live through a crucifixion!
So what do we the readers do with this?
It's not Easter, so we can put it side for now right?
I can't help but think that what Jesus challenges his friends/disciples to do in verse 41 could be said of us today:
"Stay awake & pray, so that you won't enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
How "awake" have you been spiritually?
Who are you praying to & why?
Are you listening for your answers & expecting a way out of temptations? Why or why not?
What areas in your life is your spirit willing but your flesh is weak?
In answering these questions for yourself, I encourage you to do one more thing.
As custom during their festival dinner, Jesus & his disciples sang Psalms 113-118. Now if you have a voice like me, I don't see you necessarily singing these chapters but rather meditating on them instead.
Life with Jesus is a ride you don't want to miss.
Although, you will find that God's world seems to flip ours upside down.
The power of our Triune God is unexplainably undeniable.

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