
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Halloween Shananagins

Halloween has always been a wishy-washy topic among Christians and their denominations. I am not exempt from that. However, we're talking about free candy here sooo there's that.

It is no doubt that Halloween has certainly transformed over the years. Nor is it a question that there are a lot of lies that come along with it...imagine that Hollywood lying to the public to get a quick buck?!

I don't typically watch scary movies anymore because they give me nightmares, but with this season of warm apple cider, colorful leaves, hoodies and scarfs-a horror film has to be thrown in there some where!...I know that sequence of things don't make sense, but when in life do we, as humans, ever make sense?

Tonight I watched The Possession (2012) and like most of the demon possession/exorcism  movies I've watched, they got it wrong. Terribly wrong.

Now, when I say this I am not saying it in the: "I know everything & I am absolutely right, you should listen me and only me" kind of way. What I am saying is this: read your bible. -implying the fact that most Americans own 1-3 Holy Bibles and only 20% (if that) actually reads them. 

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life...even in matters such like this. Jesus is a radical dude, you should check him out in the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Jesus dealt with a lot of demon possession-Mark 5:1-20Luke 8:1-3Mark 1: 21-34
 just to name a couple of instances.

So what are the characteristics of a demon possession? First let us define "demon." A "demon" or evil-spirit is none other than the 1/3rd of the heavenly angels that were given free-will and decided to rebel along with Satan. They were all thrown down to the earth until the appointed time of their destruction. Isaiah 14:12-15 Revelation 12    

From watching my video you will also learn that these fallen angels do not look like The Grudge (2004). But neither do angels necessarily look like that thing we put on top of our trees. Have you ever noticed that the first thing out of angels mouths were: "Do not be afraid; do not not fear!" Hmmm I wonder why? Ezekiel 10

So now we are to the "possession" part. This is were we, Christians included, have really messed things up. Personally however, I do think there is some connection between our physical/mental aliments to a spiritual warfare...this does not mean that a runny nose equals a demon running through your body.

Possession, from what we see in scripture, is more than this little symptom. Rather, it is something that is very detrimental to the individual, to their friends, family, community, and relationship with God. The demon, again through the stories we read in scripture, can be violent, loud and harmful. Yet, note they all know who Jesus is. James 2:19

And thus, is our answer in conducting an "exorcism"=knowing who Jesus is. Mark 3:10- 34

Some priest, Jewish guy, or preacher with a shady past will not be your answer here. Nor will burning incense or a special number of candles, holding a crucifix and a Bible. No "holy" water nor "holy" oil. None of things are needed. Only Jesus is needed and your faith in Him. 

Check out this one time that the disciples tried healing someone Matthew 17:14-20.

What happened? What did Jesus say? What did He do?

Did this mean that His disciples were unable or unfit to combat the spiritual warfare? No, not at all. In fact fighting these things were/are encouraged: Ephesians 6:10-20

Their issue was a matter of faith...but note not the faith in themselves, but faith in who Jesus was in relation to them and others.  And what does God say about our faith? Read Matthew 17: 20 again.

Does this mean that when we don't get the results we wanted that our faith wasn't strong enough? No. We must remember that we do not see the bigger picture like the Author and our ways are not God's ways. God's thoughts are higher than ours. I know this sounds a lot like "oh it's God's will for this to happen"...but many people have perverted this concept as well. It is not God's will for your kid to have cancer or your husband to have died in that horrible accident. No, not one bit does God take delight in pain and suffering. That is Satan. He hates everyone.

But getting back on topic & concluding our matters-What does everything we have discussed tell us then?

  1. Satan is real and active
  2. Demons are fallen angels and angels look nothing like we imagine they do
  3. Angels & fallen angels can be found anywhere Hebrews 13:2 (did you see the first story of exorcism took place in a synagogue?!)  
  4. They can take over a human body and animal bodies 
  5. Jesus is more powerful than Satan's dominion
  6. Faith (relationship with Jesus) is all that is needed to overcome a possession
  7. This faith can come from anyone who is in the demon's presence
  8. Demon's have names (Do you know the only two angel's names listed the Bible?=Michael & Gabriel)
  9. Satan/demons know God as well as yourself
  10. That means, know your stuff girlfriend!
  11. Thankfully, as Believers the one who is in us (The Holy Spirit) is greater than the one who is this world (Satan)  

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