
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What Is To Be Had?

Picture and reflect
Look back and deep breath.
When I'm there
That's when I'll begin,
See I'm missing something
Never had.
When I have him
I'll be glad.
What does it take to
Hold a family in place,
To have love's
What strength and patience
To be had
To be told to wait?
Can I truly say,
"I cannot hold on any longer!"
This love
So much desired-
What is the end?
How to fight young ones
Into bed,
To come out of traffic's
Linger in each other's
Whisper, "I'm through."
It's all about the
All about the learning.
And God, that's not it.
We're not just
Don't let life pass
Me by,
Although I'm praying
These selfish prayers of
I want to hold your
Hand night and day-
And still
Love a man till the
End of age.
I want to bring glory
To Jesus
As I raise children
Of my own.
I want to point them
And this
All back to You, our Home.
I'm looking out
You're looking in,
What is that we're made of,
Which is that worth living.

Barf Words: Good & Nice

Here's a funny and strange question for yah-

what words do you hate?

Have you ever thought about it before? I'm sure you have. From swear words, to the usage of "retard" and "gay"-there's just some words that should not be said, rub us the wrong way or simply are not used properly (like did do you know Nimrod, use today as "dummy", was originally a name from the Bible?).

Well, I have my choice of words I hate too. Do you know what they are?
Good. Nice.
I despise these words. 
Why? You may ask.
One) they are soooooooooooo elementary. 
Two) they are soooooooooooo taken out of their originally meaning.
But, the biggest reason why I despise these words is because most of all they are used in the "spiritual or religious" scene.
Have you ever heard someone say:
"You'll go to heaven as long as you're a good person."
"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it all."
"It's all about being nice to one another."
"How are you today?" "Oh, I'm good."  
Now I must confess I am guilty of using some of these phrases (especially that last one). But truth is, every time I hear or say these words I just want to barf.
You're probably thinking: "Okay, Samantha...a bit dramatic aren't we?"
And to that I'd respond with: "I work with children on a daily basis and you think I'm dramatic?"
Let's look at what these words mean shall we:
Good=morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious
Nice= pleasing; agreeable; delightful
*taken from

Based on just the very first description of these "elementary words", do you think we use them in their proper context?
Let's tackle that first statement I mentioned-You'll go to heaven as long as you're a good person. Or also phrased as-God just wants you to be a good person.
So if you are a person that says this or something vaguely similar, may I ask you a few questions:  
  • Are you morally excellent?
  • Are you virtuous?
  • How about pious? (the positive sort: having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.)
  • Are you pleasing?
  • Are you agreeable?
  • Are you delightful?
For all of these I could guess you probably answered, " times...sometimes...I could work at it a bit...but yes, I am generally good...I'm not like that guy over there. (pointing to me...who's stuffing her face with Doritos)"
But you would admit, willingly, that you are not these things 100% 24/7. Correct? Me either. Let me ask you another question, why then should you be granted eternal bliss with the Almighty and Perfect God? (Because heaven is not really a granting of all your wishes, it is heaven=perfection=being with God=Designer).
I know what you're thinking right now-"Well, that depends on what god your talking about. We all have different believes you know."
Alright. Alright, I understand. Completely understand. Let's look at it at a different angle then...
Let's say your parents and you have this dart board.
The dart board is your height and directly in front of you.
You have all the advantage.
You're parents make a deal with you.
If you hit the target during their game,
they will give you anything you want.
So of course you play!
You've been wanting $1000 so you can go to Vegas with your hot boy/girlfriend :)
You give it you're best effort;
you're sure you'll win,
it's so easy.
But you miss.
And you miss again.
Every time you throw that dart,
you miss.
This is ridiculous! you think to your self.
you have amazing parents
and they let you try,
over and over again.
They never say, "Loser"
"You suck"
"We'll just give up on it already."
They want you to win,
although they know
you can't make that bulls eye.
Ever hear the word "sin"? It literally means that you "missed the mark or target." It is not necessarily a "you crossed the line" because that implies that you went too far. This concerns rather you don't measure up. Even if you don't believe in a god or not the True God of Jesus, you missed the mark at some point in your life.
  • Have you ever told a lie? Regardless if it was a "little white lie" or "for a good cause"?
  • Have you ever disrespected your parents?
  • Have you committed adultery? Looked at a man/woman lustfully? Looked at porn?
  • Have you ever had jealousy? Ever craved to have what another person had-riches, spouse, clothing?
 And these are only four commandments we were to follow (f.y.i: there's 10)!!!
Where are you at? I know I brake these, all of these. The Word of God (YHVH) even says if you just break one commandment, you brake all of them.
like a loving parent,
God let us chose to be part of His world or not.
His world is full of perfection, peace, & joy;
everything we ever truly wanted
(better than $1000 to go to Vegas with your hot boy/girl friend).
He gave us specific rules to follow to keep that perfection.
But we simply could not keep up that standard.
We were/are selfish, prideful and disobedient.
We have all gone astray.
We have all gone our own way.
Knowing we would do this,
but loving us too much to give up on us,
He filled in the gap.
Except instead of a simple handshake
and an apology,
a price had to be paid for where we slacked off.
Jesus, God, paid that price.
We can never excel at the "dart board game",
but we can accept the free gift
of Jesus.
No longer playing the "game"
of being good
or nice.
We can live through the only one who was
Which brings me to the next point. Once you get to the point that you accept the Truth of Jesus's grace and freedom for you, I want you to know He hasn't called you to be nice. He's does call us to be holy as He is holy (meaning set apart for God's use). But nice? Negative. Sometimes the Truth can hurt and make enemies more than friends. I am not saying not to be kind, patient and gentle because these are the fruits of the Spirit-this is proof that God lives in you. I just want you to know your mission in life is not to please others, it is to please God. Why? Why not? 
{So please, please...don't brag about me being "good" or "nice". That is not what I want to be remembered for.}


Saturday, January 25, 2014

No Money? No Worries.

A new thought entertained my brain today as I was worrying about money-which has been a major crunch in my life for as long as I can remember (as I could imagine is the same for many of you) , I was thinking about this verse:

"Take nothing for the journey-no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt..."-Luke 9:3

Beautiful words rights? 

Well, let's look at the context (cause that's how I roll and plus that's the right thing to do and I am always right...hahahahah jokes).
Luke 9:1-6 (also found in Matthew 10) 

  • Jesus is sending out the 12=the disciples, his friends, to prepare the way=minister to, preach to, heal to, those whom were God's chosen but fell away (meaning the people of Israel, but we are all in the same boat)
  • Jesus tells the disciples not to take anything with them "for workers are worth their keep". He also briefly taps into how the Spirit will provide (however, the disciples were not directly told "the Spirit will provide" nor would they have comprehended that at this time)
  • Jesus gives specific instructions for specific situations-more then none situations that dealt with being hated. But, he also encourages his friends not to worry because they are dearly loved by their Father in heaven
So how does this relate to you and I? Well, it can have a lot of implications for those who call them followers of the Way (the old term for Christians. I have read over these passages a butt load of times, but I have never thought of it from the angle of: what were the disciples thinking? Too many times I immediately jump into "okay, how does this reading apply to me?" and I miss some other very important aspects (and plus, it's not always about me...get over yourself Samantha).

We could make a sophisticated guess that since Jesus is God and God is Creator, he (Jesus) knew the disciples thoughts; thus, he addressed specific topics concerning them going out and "fishing for men"-their new mission, turning their already known talents & gifts into ministry (for those who do not know, most of the disciples were fishermen previously).

But did that really change how they felt? I mean Jesus really started of with a time bomb there, "TAKE NOTHING". Could you imagine their reaction?

Peter: (arms folded nodding in agreement but clueless)
Andrew: "yeah, yeah, yeah" (saying excitedly but arms also folded)
James: (thinking about how illogical this was, puzzled look on his face) "Wait..."  
John: "phhh...but alright..."
Phillip: (was in middle of strapping his money bag tightly to his belt) "Huh?"
Bartholomew: (taking a extra big bit out of his double cheeseburger not listening)
Thomas:(all big eyed and heart racing)
Matthew: "yes."
James: (double knotting his sneakers, shaking of nerves for what's to come)
Thaddaeus: (patting James on the back) "you're kidding right?...this is like that joke you told us last night?"
Simon: "Let's do it!"
Judas: "whatever..." rocking out to Marilyn Mansion

Okay, so maybe they didn't react as such but still. PICTURE IT! How would you respond???

When I moved to Colorado I took half my things and left the other half at my dad's house which was hard. What things do you take? What things do you leave behind?


Jesus is teaching me, in contrast to the "grown up life", that money (and all other things that bring "security") will not satisfy. As soon as you get one step ahead, you just as quickly become 5000 steps behind. Ever have the thought, "If I just had that or this, everything would be okay."? "If only I had that lotto money..." right?

As a follower of the Way, you are not meant to be comfortable (nor are you to make others blog).

Your mission is to make disciples.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." -Matthew 28:19-20

Not money.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." -Matthew 6:24

Here are some other verses to encourage you in your regards with money (or anything you are stressing over)*Remember to read contexts to full magnitude of situations:
"You will keep in perfect peace
    those whose minds are steadfast,
    because they trust in you."-Isaiah 26:3
"Better a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king who no longer knows how to heed a warning."-Ecclesiastes 4:13
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
    never will I forsake you."-Hebrews 13:5
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"-Matthew 7:7-12
 "But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."-James 1:6
"Because he* loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.” -Psalm 91:14-16
*now note I am NOT saying we should just through caution to the wind, we need to be wise with our resources, as well as God-honoring.



Friday, January 17, 2014

Going Whereever the Wind Blows

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine."-Proverbs 3:5-11.

I am 21 years old. I moved to Denver last summer by a miracle. Almost as much as a miracle as to how I was able to go to the Creation Festival in 2005 (read

'Story of My Life' as they say it). Denver wasn't my first intention, but for some reason God allowed things to work this way. As compared to me wanting to move to Minnesota years back because I "felt" God saying I was meant to go to this missionary school called BCOM.-In which, there is nothing wrong with "feeling" God led you somewhere or experiencing various "signs" as I did. But those things need to be affirmed by the Word, other wise people and go smoothly.  
I highlighted that part because it is most important. You see, as we grow we mature and maturing can bring a lot of tweaked preconceptions we once had. I admit, I had a pride issue...and still do at times. I prided myself in the fact that I always knew what I wanted to do in life, where I was going and how I was going to get there. Well, I have matured and if your maturity hasn't brought about humility then you still have some growing up to do kid! 
Humility as a Christ-Follower knows nothing greater then surrender. When Jesus called His disciples they dropped everything...immediately...and followed. They didn't know nor claim where or what they were doing. Do you think Peter was like: "I am going to be the Rock on which the Church is built! And I'm going to get there by walking on water!" Nope. So why do we do it...why do I do it?
So concerning this opening Scripture. What does that look like today and relate to things going smoothly, as well as having humility?
  1. Where is your heart these days? Is it in your wealth? Your career? What does "trusting with your heart" even mean? Think of it as your core, your essence-all your thoughts and all your strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
  2. "In all your ways submit to Him"....I recently read Joshua 9 and in there is a particular verse that stood out to me verse 9 "The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord". Interesting huh. The chapter concerns the Israelites encountering the Gibeonites. You see as God's chosen people were acquiring their land God told them to have, the Gibeonites became afraid and lied to the Israelites because they lived on that land. Instead of coming across as rich as they were, they disguised themselves as poor starving homeless men. Of course an individual would have sympathy on them, but this inquired of something larger then provisions-it concerned their lives. Without consulting with their Lord and letting their emotions get ahead of them, the Israelites drew up a treaty with these liars. How important is it to inquire of the Lord?
  3.  Being a college student who wants to further their education I am continually "marketing" myself to different scholarships and grants. Applications constantly ask about your contribution to those around you, your character, and your legacy. I hate having to go on and on about what I have done...(mainly because I can't remember.) Truth is I'm nothing special. And I really don't know much. However, I have heard many say "you are very wise for your  age"... I once thought wisdom reflected itself in having everything figured out. As mentioned before, it seems as if I have l have found more of the answers by saying "I don't know" and have found a way by not trying to figure everything out.
  4. "fearing the Lord and shunning evil" is just as highly important and still just as highly missed. Sometimes as Christians we become too comfortable with the Creator and let that of which we do, which is sin no matter how "small", slip by. God is to be feared just as much as loved. You wanna know what godly fear looks like read Deuteronomy 5:22-27 and Isaiah 6:1-5. Don't belittle disobedience. Shun evil like you shun Satan. And "evil" or sin can sometimes be that of which you want or desire. But "just because you can do all things does not mean they are beneficial."(1 Cointhians 6:12-13)
  5. Also with being a college student, I am going broke. Yet, I have not forsaken in giving back to God what is His. I still continue to tithe although I have a ton other things to pay for. Why? Because God tells me to and I said I would. You don't mess with God. In having this respect towards Him I do have faith that He will provide for me. My faith is reassured through past provisions. What about you?
Trusting, submitting, leaning on and giving to God brings a peace that transcends anything in this world. Yet, note that does not mean trouble will not come our way. Jesus speaks of only inward peace not outwardly. But among the ciaos, God will carry you on...His way...and it will be good.