
Monday, November 18, 2019

Stop Looking For Jesus

Changing Perspectives On Dating

As my Grandmother would say, "Don't get your panties in a bundle." which meant don't freak out. I feel like many of you (Christians) upon reading this post's heading are already thinking, "This is absurd and antithetical to our beliefs." Just hear me out.

Upon my years of participating in youth groups and going to church, I have heard my share of dating sermons. Every year, typically around Valentine's Day, would be the same topics-you know the ones about relationships, courting, marriage, what a single person should be doing, the sacredness of sex, etc.

One year as us girls gabbed about our latest crushes and got on the topic of 'what-we-were-looking-for,' I heard about this thing called the "cupcake analogy." Each part of a "cupcake" represents negotiable or nonnegotiable aspects in a dating partner. For example, a cupcake can have sprinkles on it or it can not. Either way, that doesn't take away from its essence. It only adds. It is not necessary, but it would be fun to have. So for example, one of those things for me would be a guy who has long hair. Not like poney tail long, but at least their ears. I really like hair, but this is not an absolute must for me (although many joke that it is). 

What are some of your "sprinkles"? These could be anywhere from "they are interested in the same music," "they play this specific sport," or "they have a dog."

A cupcake has a specific nature. It has a specific shape. It has certain ingredients. This is what lies underneath the toppings of frosting and sprinkles. This would be your "must-have list." These things could be, "the person must have humility," "they have to have great hygiene," and/or "they must be kind." Obviously in a church setting our must-haves were, "they must be Christian," "they must go to church;" "they must be like Jesus."

There's a great song called "When You Were Young" by The Killers that says:

"You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now, here he comes
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentlemen
Like you imagined
When you were young"

There are many things we were taught in the church that need to be unpacked and reevaluated no doubt. A huge area that needs to be rediscussed is the concept of dating, but as I suggest a change in mindset over this one area I am not saying that we should "throw the baby out with the bathwater." Which is another idiom my Grandmother would say meaning, don't toss out everything.

We need to stop looking for Jesus in our potential partners. My reason is this: there is only one Jesus. Let Jesus be Jesus. Only Jesus, God's Son, can bring wholeness. I say "wholeness," not satisfaction because it is true Jesus is not all you need in this life. You need community. You were created for community. It is not good for anyone to be alone. Know your completeness in Jesus, but know the sharpening of that identity in relationships. 

This is not saying to not look for the "fruit of the Spirit" (Gal. 5: 22-23) in a person. It is saying don't look for perfection. Only Jesus is perfect. This is not saying to lower your standards. It is saying don't expect another person to live a certain way that you yourself don't (again, I am only talking to Believers in this specific post). 

If you are a Christ-follower, look for someone who loves Jesus. However, their expression of that love may look different than yours and that's ok. 

Here are two people from God's Word I have found to be a very admirable and now look for to display my essentials list: 
  1.  Stephen (Acts 6: 8-157)-here is someone who allowed the Holy Spirit to move within him in a mighty and powerful way. Through the Spirit, he spoke boldly to his opponents about the Gospel even to the point of death. 
    • he was full of grace and power
    • did good things for the people
    • was wise
    • innocent/had a face like an angel
    • saw and lived for God's glory
    • prayed for his enemies
  2.   The One Criminal Crufucied with Jesus (Luke 23: 32-43)-here is someone who was about to die for doing a heinous crime but sticks up for Jesus who was unjustly condemned and mocked.
    • he was guilty and admitted he was deserving of the punishment
    • noted Jesus did nothing wrong
    • asks Jesus to remember him
These are the most attractive men for me in the New Testament. Although vastly different they represent the wide range of 'love' we can have for Jesus. These men allowed faith to lead them. They both knew Jesus was greater. 

What about them stands out for you? 
What men/women in the Bible stick out for you?
How do you allow your boy/girlfriend to love Jesus in their own way? 
What about your dating partner leads you to a closer relationship with Jesus?
Why do you believe that as a Christ-follower it is important to date a Christ-lover other than the fact that the Bible says we should not be "unequally yoked"?

Wrestle with this and share your thoughts below. May you find the one who is only, ever Jesus and may you find a partner/partners who are themselves loving Jesus. 


Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Christian Lover

Gotta catch, gotta catch, gotta catch my breath/one thought of them pins my chest/oh my lover, how your image is fine/your beauty of greatest design/oh my lover, how the Spirit shines/God's peace do I find/you've got my heart tangled up!/I know the One to praise/you've got my eyes lit up!/I know the One to thank/Palms sweat, body shakes/my God, what have you made?!/Lover, your lips are sweeter as you tell of His wonder/Lover, your arms are stronger as you show His nature/It's not just you and I/It's not just what we define/It's about looking up/It's what God has combined/Two become one is a mystery/Teach me about walking with Three and we'll make history/They're One in you and me/We're One in Him they'll see/What a treasure you are/but don't complete me/How special you are/but worship Thee/Lover, take my hand as we take Christ's/Lover, take my future as we make heaven our prize/Lover, take my affections as we till this garden/you're the one I'm hold'n/and I gotta catch, gotta catch, gotta catch this Breath

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Church Beckoning

People of YHWH-I don't know if you have ever experienced reading the holy scripture and the Holy Spirit is just constantly stringing things together, piercing your heart,  and so reminding you of the LORD's omniscient presence that it frightens you, but I pray you will!!!

Pray my brothers & sisters in Christ, for my and your faith to be strengthened-for the Lord knows how small it is!

A time is coming, if it hasn't already, that our faith (individually & corporately) will be tested and the Lord is calling us to prepare.

I feel it so heavy on my life now, that I wanted to stay bawled up in tears but God said, "Stand up."

I don't know what it all means that which He has been preparing me for, but I'm sure the Church needs to hear it as well-for we are one after all!

This is not a prophetic message, as the Lord as not given me that spiritual gift. This is not a message for the apocalypse, as this is something we must do NOW.

With me, Church, hand over your fears and cast your anxieties onto Him who casts no shadow, has perfect love, and who cares so deeply for us (1 Peter 5:7, James 1:17, 1 John 1:5 & 4:8).

The Lord Jesus has called you, washed you, and freed you (Heb. 2:10-13). Live like it (1 Cor. 6: 19-20).

Something is about to come, whether that be a season of the lowest valley or of highest peaks, may you be properly prepared.

We prepare our hearts by confessing that it is the Almighty that allows such things to pass and yet, He says "all things work together for the good for those who love me and are called according to my purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Do not be deceived, the Lord your God does but delight in evil or death but rejoices with the Truth, is slow to anger, and full of justice with mercy (Ezekiel 33:11, Psalm 103:8, 2 Peter 3:9).

How has the Lord told me to prepare that I now beckon you to do the same?

1) Know your identity in Christ (Ephesians 2)

2) Know your God as a good, good Father (Hebrews 12)

3) Know your mission field & mission (Matthew 10: 16)

4) Know how to fight against the real enemy (Eph. 6: 10-17, 1 Peter 5:8)

5) Know your weakness, be humble & repent, obey & submit to God (Proverbs 3 & 24:16, 1 John 1:9, James 4:6)

Wisdom is proved right by her actions. Thus, actions to be taken from this knowledge then is this:

1) let us draw near to God (Hebrews 10:22)

2) let us hold on to this hope in Christ (Hebrews 10:23)

3) let us spur each other on towards love (Hebrews 10:24-25)

The imagery given to me here was that of a baby monkey, clinging to their mother as she takes it through the different heights and branches. Are you a child resting in the arms of the Heavenly Father? (Ps. 131)

What is going on in your soul right now? Will you allow another day to pass without taking the Word seriously? What does this call and these actions look like for you right now?
Please feel free to share in the  comments section below.

"Be careful to pay attention, then, to how you walk-not as unwise people but as wise-making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So don't be foolish, but understand the what the Lord's will is."
-Ephesians 5:15-17

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Swept Off My Feet

oh sweet melodies bring the numbness back to my fingers/that ache in my heart/oh wonderous wind bring with you my chills/down my spine/I'll be thinking of you

Small invasive tears rush from my eyes/sliding down these checks I've wished/
longed for their kiss/flame flicker harder/let my heart daydream of this lover

oh silly mind/how quick you are to jump ahead/ you plan of weddings and death beds/
heavy breathe hold your tongue/ just a, just a moment now/ before everything falls apart

Lust disguised as giddiness/I pick each word every so delicately/
like pulling thorns from a rose bush/who am I that you should find?

oh body how old you've gotten/child-like spirit can't you say what you mean/
say how you feel/show them this is something real

Sunday, September 1, 2019


I don't know who needs to hear this (probably everyone, because I almost cried so much I woke myself up)... I just now had a dream where I was performing in a play with my old high school classmates (oddly most of the time that I have dreams about them we are putting on a play or choir concert). In it, I volunteered to take the role of this person who was struggling with depression but shared their testimony of hope (my character was male, but the story could very much of been about me). For my lines I was recalling to the audience of a time I was listening to this young evangelistic preacher on TV who very passionately said the following:

"Some of you out there don't have mommas* who love you... But I have come to tell YOU that God has given you a birthday so that YOU could have PEACE in the VICTORY of God's GRACE!..God has come to give you GRACE!"

*I'll insert papas in there now as well

What a very interesting dream...the rest is too confusing to share, but I did want to share that part for sure because it is so powerful...

God DIDN'T create you for nothing and if those who were supposed to love didn't or don't, you are not alone. The Word says:

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I (the Lord) will not forget you!"-Isaiah 49:15
And again, 

"Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close." - Psalm 27:10

There is hope. There is peace. There is a comfort that can be found in Jesus that can't be found anywhere else.

"Peace I (Jesus) leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."-John 14:27

"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."" -Matthew 11:28

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing."-Psalm 23:1

The power Jesus had comes from the Father because He himself was/is of God. The victory Jesus had was defeat over your and mine's sin on the cross. He died but rose again. There isn't anyone and there will never be anyone who can do what Jesus has already done for us. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you want freedom, you're really wanting Him! If you're wanting sanctuary, you're really wanting Him! If you're wanting resurrection, you're most definitely needing Him!

There is nothing you can do to separate the love of God from you:
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8: 38-39

His love takes hold of you regardless if you want it or not. His grace has depth, has a height, has a width and yet, it's said of like this:

"...know this love that SURPASSES knowledge—that you may be FILLED to the measure of all the FULLNESS of God." -Ephesians 3:19 (emphasizes mine)

Don't waste another second weeping over what is lost, don't waste another minute thinking this life isn't worth it, don't waste these years believing it was all for nothing.

The Lord has called YOU! His gifts are for YOU!

"Forgive me, Lord, for even as I recall your Truth pride resides in my heart. May all who see and read this understand. May all who hear and listen have this knowledge. I am loved by you. I am created to know you. I do have a peace found in the victory of your grace! Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you."

If you have never accepted who Jesus is and what He has done for you, would you consider it now?
Too many times I think we believe that just because life is going great we must already have God's blessings. However, you don't know that God gives to both the wicked and righteous; yet, their ends will be drastically different. Don't mistake God's kindness as approval, it's meant to lead you to repentance (Romans 2:4).

"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!"- 1 Corinthians 10:12

There is no one out there who doesn't need what Christ offers, but I know some of you are just as stubborn as me and will live your life as long as you can being independent of the Truth.

I find it funny that on the days I've especially done nothing (it seems like) to deserve communion with God I continuously see hearts everywhere... in a random drawing, in the leaves, in a water spill, in a stain... Everywhere creation is POINTING to the ONE who holds it together (Colossians 1:17) and it's crying out me to WAKE UP from my slumber (Ephesians 5:17) and be the man/woman God has created me to be (Romans 8:19).

Let your relationship start here and your religion end,
"Cause all religion ever made of me
Was just a sinner with a stone tied to my feet...
And love has set me free"
-'More Like Falling In Love' by Jason Gray

Are you woke today?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


I cry in my car
just as many times as I pull my pants up.
I rush to my room
rushing to make the door shut.
I dream about make-up and ribbons;
I'll never measure up or fit in.
Look at me hollow
Look at me swollen
Watch me fall down,
Catch me fallen
Sit still lil' girl
the grown-ups got this
The screen is numbing
it captures me with its humming.
It hits the buttons of my soul,
it likes to make me wanna unfold.
Where have I wondered?
Is this what they've wanted?
Look at me hollow
Look at me swollen
Watch me fall down,
Catch me fallen
Sit still lil' girl
the grown-ups got this
You're begg'n for truth,
you're want'n me gory.
You're need'n my truth,
just to diss my story.
I'll write right along.
I'll write beyond this scream.
Look at me hollow
Look at me swollen
Watch me fall down,
Catch me fallen
Sit still lil' girl
the grown-ups got this

Friday, July 26, 2019

Can We Ever Truly Know?

What are these hands that you would pay me to labor with?
What are these feet that you would call me to move with?
What is this face that you would willingly dream of?
What is this mouth that you would long to hear from?
What are these ears that you would seek to meet with?
What is my mind that you would want to sit with?
What are these eyes that you would hope to find love in?
What is this body that you would covet warmth with?
What is my gender that you would liken to trade with?
What is my chest that you would rush to rest against?
What is it about me that makes you want,
makes you cringe,
makes you desire,
makes you sick?
What is it that you call beautiful, handsome,
and yet, still not worthy?
Do I have it? Can I have it?
What is my name that you have seemed to captured it?
A perfect frame,
a perfect gaze....
Repeat those words
and I'll spill my guts, burn bridges,
run from love.

Wise Men Taught Me More About Church

Sunday is here again. I am filled with both excitement and anxiety. My mouth is ready to sing praises, but my heart is laying another brick upon its wall. My hands are sweaty, please don't shake my hand. Everyone is so loving, so caring. Everyone asks how I am doing, invites me to sit by them, and introduces me to those around. There is a meal and plenty of food. There is laughter, prayer, and solitude.

But why, my eyes, are you cloudy? Why, my face, are you wet?

Another week comes and goes. I lay in my bed another few minutes after the alarm for Sunday morning charms.  "I love these people, but I don't think I can do it again." Thoughts like these float through my mind. The time is chipping away and service will be beginning soon. I quickly throw on something clean and run out the door.

Church. Community. Fellowship. These are words I have been slowly reconnecting with. Like old friends with too much history, I let their presence just linger...wondering when they will disappear again.

It hasn't been easy moving forward from past church pain. Nor does moving several states away from the "people of God" who hurt you solve things. The funny thing about emotional baggage is that you can't just throw the crap away.

As a person who is in seminary, getting involved in church is as essential as water is to Spongebob. I found this great church north from my place, the drive is forty minutes, the congregation is multi-ethnic and intergenerational. I thought I found my "new place," they even held hands at the end. However, I have come to learn that big churches like this one are easier for me to hide in than to become a part of. So my journey started over. I found a really small church and they presented something I haven't seen in years...a family.

It's been a couple of months now and my New Year's resolution of going to service every week has dissolved because of the scene I described in the intro.

A relationship with God just one on one is much easier and simpler, but that's not what He has called us to do exactly. Instead, the Word says to 'not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing.' (Hebrews 10: 25)

I asked the Lord, how do the church, community, and fellowship once again give me warmth?

And the Lord sat beside my heart's wall, holding that sledgehammer called His Word in His hand.

The Spirit took me to one passage. Where I found myself were at the feet of the Wise Men.

"Entering the house, 
they (the wise men from the East) saw the child (Jesus) with Mary HIs mother, 
and falling to their knees, 
they worshipped Him. 
Then they opened their treasures 
and presented Him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh."
-Matthew 2:1

Let's take a minute here and think how crazy it is that 1) strangers are giving very expensive gifts to a child and 2) foreigners were more attentive to Israel's Messiah/King than Israel was.

I noticed six things that the Wise Men did:
  1. they came to Jesus' house
  2. they saw Jesus
  3. they fell to their knees (humbled themselves and showed respect)
  4. they worshipped (perhaps sang, said affirmations)   
  5. they opened treasures
  6. they presented their gifts to Jesus 
If we were to take these same actions from the Wise Men and apply them as principles in reentering the "church-life" today they would be as such: 
  1. Come to "God's house"-no matter if you are from far away or near, the church is called to be a reflection of heaven (God's special presence), a place of prayer, a place of protection, guidance, and love. 
  2. Seek Jesus. If you don't know Jesus, is the church you are attending even teaching about Him from the Bible? If you do know Jesus, do you see His image in the people leading, serving, fellowshipping? Is the church Christ-like in their words and actions? (This may require going through the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to revisit who Jesus was.) The other note on this step is to come seek Jesus in general, not potential mates or business partners. 
  3.  Come with reverence. Regardless of if the church you are visiting is where you will call "home" or not, each congregation has its doctrine and culture. Come humbly not judgmentally. The other note is coming with awe towards God. With all the places and situations God can reveal Himself in/through, He chooses the bride of Christ-the Church to make Himself known. It is a grand and beautiful mystery that God would call us to come together as One and seek HIm.  
  4. Come worship. We have missed the mark on this one. Worship, as Paul reminds us, is a lifestyle. Come lay yourself down, setting aside distractions, attuning your ears and heart to the one who is worthy of all glory, honor, and praise (yes, even your songs)! God says if we draw near, He too draws near to us. Are you drawing near to Him during church or wondering why no one has told you the game's score yet?
  5. Open your heart. This is your treasure. Indeed, a closed and barded up heart can't get hurt again, but neither can it grow nor experience newness. This is the toughest one because here we face being vulnerable. Are you wanting to know everyone in the church, but not willing to let them know you? How's come? Where is your treasure being opened to if not to Christ? 
  6. Present what you have. God has given all of us gifts and talents in which to better serve one another with. What do you bring? Have you discovered them yet? Who you are and what you got is meant to be delighted in, nurtured, and flourishing. Don't pretend to be anyone else. Let God be most glorified in you by not hiding what gifts and talents He has gladly given to you. Offer it to the Church body so they too may praise God! If you are not being received, then you might want to revisit point two.
Who knew that you could learn so much from "wise men?"

Other than the obvious first Christian church gathering noted in the book of Acts, I think these Wise Men showed us a lot of what church was to be about-unlike the religious leaders of Jesus day who wanted to profit off the poor, weigh people down with rules, and were called "whitewashed tombs" by Jesus.

Going to church is frankly the easy part. Being an active member of the Church is the hard part.

When was the last time you have been a part of "God's household?" How have you seen Jesus in your fellowship with other believers? Is your heart open or closed; what is making it that way? Will you bring all you got for the sake of Christ's glory? 

I know for some of you the thought of even stepping into a church building is repulsive. I get it. However, I still encourage you to not forsake in meeting with other believers in Christ. In whatever compacity that looks like: at a coffee shop, at a park, or in your home. We were made for community. Even if that company only encompasses two others, let it be good, intentional, and sharpening. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Note To Yourself

As the wise words from folk song artist Jake Bugg once sang, 

"Girl, you've been forgetting/
Just how special you really are/
And I try to remind you/
Sometimes I can't find you/
But the truth is in your heart/
So write a note to yourself..."

Here is a note I wrote to myself when I was having anxiety over a situation a couple weeks ago. 

Add your name in the spaces provided. Print, laminate, and read as needed. Or better yet, make your own. Write that which is most difficult for you to believe in a time of need. Note what scripture affirms to be true about you. For this is your self-care, Church, let this Love speak over you. As God speaks to you, repeat it back to yourself over and over and over again. Family of God, recognize when the enemy is trying to pull you down. Reclaim the Truth back into your heart. Let it reside there and give you peace today.  

"Dear (               ),

I know you are freaking out right now, but everything is going to be okay. 

Never forsake being you! And guess what? Who you are is ALREADY beautiful, ALREADY lovely, ALREADY precious, ALREADY loved, ALREADY adored, ALREADY held, ALREADY fulfilled, ALREADY satisfied, and ALREADY where you need to be. 

Trust, my dear (                 ), that your Heavenly Father has everything in control. Believe, my dear (              ), that your Father knows what you need before you even ask for it! 

You don't enter this fight alone; you don't enter even one second alone!  (                    ), you are brave. 

The world will tell you many things about your heart, your face, and your body, but don't fret my darling (            ). You were made with such care; you are made with such great delight. 

Your heart comes alive in Christ. Your face reveals His glory. Your body is a temple for the powerful Holy Spirit. Greater is God in you than the one who is in the world. 

You go,(                    ), and be strong. You go, my friend, and live life to its fullest! Today is the day the Lord has made; rejoice (                 ) and be glad in it! 

(                                     )"

Friday, April 26, 2019


rip body from my soul,
how can it ever bring good?
stomach churns and aches.

he touches so good,
but death is calling, "Let's meet."
shaking, I go hide.

there is shame, lust, pride;
when will this be over with?
i thought we'd be done.

thorn, how I yearn,
we've distorted love and sex,
i'm not one with him.

i'm not one with him.
my heart screamed, "No!", body wept,
only whispers left.

can't last in embrace,
breaking apart from within,
understand this pain.

anyone know shame?
good God, how i hate these wants,
what good comes from lusts?

Whoa! whoa! to these sorrows of every woman!
Outcomes were heavier than what was given
Men took away my worth, my voice, my intelligence
And we were left with absolutely 

You, God, came and lifted my chin
Out from the mire and clay we begin
Up from the liars' den, were I was eaten

A weight was lifted, burdens broken
Redeemed from such a weary past
Eternity I was given, eternity within Your presence I needed

Putting away my rags,
Reaching for His riches.
In my Savior, I am fully and forever forgiven.
Called worthy, brave, and wise,
Eyes opened to a world of healing,
Leaving behind 'what once was' for a 'now is.'
Everything captivated by grace,
Sanctified by a gentle and humble embrace.
Satisfied by His Spirit now and forever, Amen.

Monday, February 25, 2019

This One Is Mine

"So then remember at one time you were called "the uncircumcised" by those called "the circumcised," done by hand in the flesh. At that time you were without the Messiah, excluded from the chosen of Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, with no hope and without God in the world...." -Ephesians 2:11-12

This chapter has become just as imprinted upon me as 2 Cor. 5:17 (what I claim as my 'life verse' alongside many who now are "made new in Christ.")  Ephesians 2 has become something I can so deeply resonate with. It is something the Spirit has opened my eyes to over and over and over again.

The other day I was sitting down with my roommate and showing her one of my many scrapbooks. Full of oddly cut pictures glued to the cardboard from cereal boxes, covered with inside jokes, song lyrics, sermons notes, and random memorabilia. She marveled at the collection and made the most profound statement. She said, "No one who knows you could ever make something like this. This is so special, so you. It shows everything that was going on around you, everything from your point of view... "

'Everything going on around me' struck a chord. I was left pondering that; how profound that seemed. It wasn't necessarily showing who I was, but what I was about-from school, to family, from youth group, to numerous youth group trips. It showed smiles, laughs, trips, and camps. It showed pictures of me, but that picture is only complete if you know me now and how those images shaped me. Those photos didn't show you what was going on in the inside. It only showed part of the story. A glimpse of a person never brings justice. 

I've been learning in my Spiritual Formation Class at Talbot Seminary taught this semester by Kyle Strobel that "we are always mirroring something/someone. That it's impossible to self-define because we can only know our true selves in Christ since that is where we are hidden. The 'observed I' or who I think I am, is really only ever the 'observing I.' This meaning ,what others are observing, I let define me and have been doing so since birth. We do this naturally and unknowingly. We were in a way made purposely with this mirroring dynamic since we were made to reflect only ever Christ in me. To really know me, I must know Him; to really know Him, I must know the I."
(You can message me if you want more explanation.)

Thus, the question returns to who was I and who am I?

This is why I love Ephesians 2. This is where or answers lay.

We can put the verse into a paraphrase as such:

"Christian-don't forget where you come from or from where you began. How before you were once called 'unholy and outsiders' by those who are holy and on the inside. You were without the Chosen One (Jesus), you were not part of the family, the eternal bond of their company and God's. You once had no hope, you felt alone because you hadn't known or acknowledged your Maker..."

Being born into this world I reflected this world. Broken and lost. I once was unholy, excluded, and without hope. What I mirrored I also became.

Like a photo revealing the years, there can come a change-
"But now in Christ Jesus, you were far away have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah. For He is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down there dividing wall of hostility."-Ephesians 2:13-14

There were and are many things that could be my mirror, but only one will show the depths of who I am truly. That mirror comes through scripture and that face is Jesus.

An old pastor of mine once claimed "There's no greater conjunction in the Bible than the word "but.""-Mark Luepke. "But now in Jesus you are now all one. By what He has done for you-by His sacrifice of Himself, He has united you. He is your comfort, our hope, our future, our love, our portion; there's no more division between His people & you. There is only 'we' now." (my paraphrase) 

To all believers of Christ Jesus there is only we now.

As the previous verses of Ephesians points out, this was none of our doing. If we were left on our own we would be continuing to reflect only what was going on around us. BUT now with Christ's Spirit inside us we can reflect Truth. Truth was we were sinners deserving of God's wrath (2:3). But Truth now is God's kindness didn't give us what we deserved, instead His gift of grace has made us masterpieces! (2:4-10).

How beautiful!

Can you imagine if God designed a scrapbook of your life? How would it reveal the "observed I /the real you"?

I think the scrapbook of my soul would have this song's lyrics written over it's cover. What about your's?

"Father God,
I thank you for who you are!
You are rich in kindness,
in goodness,
and in grace! 
There is no one like you
and without you I am nothing.
Forgive me Lord
 for the times I have let other things
define me,
when I have let others take your place in my heart.
Thank you for you son Jesus who did what I could not
and that was making things right with you
 and within myself.
Thank you for uniting me with you Holy Trinity
and with other believers.
You are my Hope.
Holy Spirit, help me reflect that peace today.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Friday, February 15, 2019

Some of You Need to Hear This

For those who need to hear this:
Devotional for today Matthew 9:18-26
We read about a woman who has been bleeding for twelve years. She sneaks in-between the crowd to touch the hem/edge of Jesus' garment. She does this because she believes that even if she touches Him, even in the most smallest way, she will be healed. But the other reason she does this is to be undetected. You see in that culture a woman's menstrual made her "unclean" and in fact she was suppose to separated from the town's people until she was "clean" again. This is a law we read in the Old Testament's book of Leviticus 15. Never should an unclean thing touch or even be near a clean thing, but she wanted to be healed. She wanted to go unnoticed as to not cause a scene. She had faith Christ could heal her, but she didn't  know how much He would love her.
We read however that Jesus feels the power leave from within Him and He addresses her-which was probably the one thing she didn't want from Him. For by the law if something unclean intentional or unintentionally touched a clean thing on the low end the spectrum both items were unclean and had to go through a ritual to be re-cleansed or on the high end of the spectrum the unclean thing would be put to death.
But note Jesus doesn't say anything about the law. Jesus doesn't condemn her. He is the only "clean"  thing that can never be contaminated. He calls her daughter. He declares her forgiven.
A lot of you don't go to church because you're afraid God's going to send a lightening bolt down on you once you walk in or that the building is going to catch on fire. You think these outrageous thoughts because, "How could God love and accept someone like me?" You recognize the enormous holiness of which you are entering. You acknowledge the fact that God is so much more deserving of anything we could ever offer and yet how could we ever be clean enough to enter His presence?
We read just previous to this woman being healed that Jesus was eating at a houseful of "tax collectors and sinners." The religious people scuffed at Him, but He responded: "It is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick." Verse 12
For sinners like me, I want to tell you that God came for people exactly like you.
Jesus is not ashamed of you.
In fact He calls you out of your hiding, calls you out from the crowd, out from the places that are dark, lonesome, and seemed to have been forgotten.
He calls you and names you:
daughter, brother, mother, friend...
There is no condemnation in Jesus.
And His holy place is not contained in four walls, but with His people. People like you and me-the sinners, whom by His sanctification makes into saints.
Everyday you awaken you're given God's grace and are within His presence: for He is everywhere. On the hilltop He can meet you, in the valley He can meet you, in the jail cell He can meet you, and the bathrooms He can meet you, in your bedroom He can meet you, on the street He can meet you, in churches, in buses, in camps, in high-rises, and in shacks, in mud huts, in concerts, in seminaries, in all places you can meet find Him. (Psalm 139, Jeremiah 29:13)
The next thing I want to say is this-
there are those who are coming to Jesus, but oh so tentatively. You believe in His goodness, His mercy, His forgiveness, but you're also keeping an arms length away because you're afraid of what He might do to you if you give Him more than just your immediate need.
Is that true of you today?
Are you afraid of experiencing all of who God is because you're afraid He will be angry at the dark parts of your heart? Are you afraid that coming to Him fully because of what He might ask you to do next?
Later in the gospels we read that little children are coming to hang out with Jesus. The disciples though try to shew them away. Jesus stops the disciples and says, "Let the children come to me, because the kingdom is made of people like this." (Matthew 19:13-15)
Children are so free spirited and sometimes crazy; yet, here is Jesus welcoming even them with opened arms.
Come like a child, let Him heal and pray over you for He is gentle at heart and kind in spirit (Matthew 11:25-30). Like the prophet Isaiah said, "let all who are thirsty come." (Isaiah 55)
Be bold like the woman and I encourage you to keep coming to Jesus!
Yet do know at some point He is going to address you. Do not fear, little one, because the parts you were trying to hide He already knows & sees yet still calls you to be with Him (John 4: 1-26).
Note the woman in our story of Matthew 9 wasn't fully healed, at least spiritually healed, until Jesus SPOKE to her. Don't just take your physical body to God, take all of who you are. Let the Living Water speak to you.
What will He say?
I have no doubt it'll be like the psalmist has said in Psalm 119:97-104
"Father God,
You are my healer. You see and know me. I praise your holy name. I thank you for being the one I can always come to. I thank you that I'm able to because of what Jesus has done for me. Lord, forgive me and make me clean. Thank you for dwelling with me and loving me. Holy Spirit, speak for your servant is listening.
In Jesus' name, let it be so."