Grab a Holy Bible or go to and look up: *Ephesians 2* (it is filled with many discussions, but we will only touch on one, I provoke any of you though to further engage me with them some time!)
-Let verses 11-13 resonate in your mind
Turn to or click to *Psalm 122*
-Do you notice any similarities?
Well, I did. I noticed both focus on Israel or the Israelites. This might be a touchy topic for some considering recent events, but this gives all the more reason to keep reading....So who were/are the Israelites? As summarizes and stands in appraise to the scriptures they are: descendants of Jacob, especially a member of the Hebrew people who inhabited the ancient kingdom of Israel & God's chosen people. So what does this have to do with us? Why should the death of someone in the Middle East, politics with people we barely agree with, and revolutions that play no interest to us at all, actually make a difference in our worldview?
Look at Eph. 2:11-13 again. They are us! We (meaning those who are Christians and born Israelites) are family! Whoa! Sorry if I'm stepping on some toes, I am just reading the Word of the One True God. I am reminded of that scene in Lion King 2 Simba's Pride when Kiara (Simba's daughter) speaks to him right when he is at a face off with his mortal enemy (Kiara's future mother- in-law): "Them? Us?Look at them...they are us!"
So how does this tie into Psalm 122? Take a closer look at verses 6-9.
- Why is David (the Psalmist) praying for peace?
- Why is he asking for security?
- WHY AREN'T WE? (In regards to the Middle East, God's chosen ones [the original chosen ones], our family?)
If I could tie these two passages together I would say: "We need to to start sharing peace with our fellow brothers and sisters (Ps. 122: 8-9), and it can't come from ourselves (Eph. 2:8-10)"
- What does this mean to you/for you?
- Is it just changing the course of your speech be enough? Or is it something more?
- If something more, what? *I believe a huge part of that answer or in answering any puzzle, is first noting what is lost. In this case it's a WHOM.
the thrones of the house of David."- Psalm 122:5
" Therefore, remember..."-Eph. 2:11
=the King of kings.
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