
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Denominatons...can't stand them, can't live without them

We are all in them. All part of what society has warped and twisted to make into just another good tasting 'mocha' to say the least. We have all settled into the causalities, the traditions and the mediocrity (look it up) that makes up the church of today. Yes. Sadly, we have all fallen from our true love! [read Revelation 2:2-5 & 3:15]. The one thing that erks me the most about denominations is that people get soo caught up in their church's ways, their church's groups, their church's chili cook off.....that they are desensitised by the nature Christ first wanted them and they simply forget who they are!

As Mufasa puts it in The Lion King: "REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!..." you are not just Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Charismatic and/or non-denominational. That maybe the little sticky-note name tag you plaster on the side of your petticoat before you walk outside, but the seal Christian is the umbrella all who have a personal and active relationship with Jesus are under. Stay tuned (America)! Listen up! This might turn your whole world upside down!

Going to church, even tithing to a church, getting baptized through a church or even getting confirmed because the church told you to DOES NOT SAVE YOU!

What a grand, grand fall we have fallen! The gap between us and our Creator, the Lord of Hosts is wider and steeper than the what the whole Grand Canyon could even bestow. (read Romans 6:23...heck just read all of Romans!) How dare we think that our measly efforts as human beings-flawed, nothing but a speck of dust (James 4:14b), could make things right or even pretend everything is all right with God! Maybe we need refreshing on who God is or who we are or why and how He chose to make the great fall into the chasm we were to take!........

My brothers and sisters do away with what divides not only you, but us as a whole. "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith,one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."-Ephesians 4:4-6

Are you missing out on what it's really ALL about? Is religion (because that's what you make it when you're trying to get right with God on your own.-Ephesians 2) the rut you've let your self become a part of? I encourage you to start analyzing what you believe and why. Now am I saying denominations are of the Devil? No! Absolutely not. If it weren't for all of the different styles of worship there are today, there would be a whole lot of us not knowing the power of the Who can save us individually. However, denominations can threaten your growth. You MUST always be diving into the Word of God, the Holy Bible (God's only, perfect, love-letter to His people) to know what is being taught or what is going on is what He desires.

*who knows maybe God's telling you to move on and attend somewhere else? Is that sin? Read the Bible.

Love (Hebrews 10:24-25 Ephesians 6: 23-24),Samantha

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