Yes. Abuse.
Abuse is what harms another.
What could possibly be harmful in Christianity- other than the homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, advocacy for slavery, child sacrifice, and rape? (See Bible for reference, especially the Old Testament.)
For years I submerged myself to evangelical Christianity, which taught me to "obey my masters" and "pray for those who persecuted me." As a teenager, that meant humbly serving those the Lord put in charge- which is apparently everybody (especially white men). I could, at the time, obey my government with no problem. I obeyed my teachers to a T and listened to mangers without question. The person who was the hardest for me was the person who had hurt me the most, my Mother. In a dramatic comparison I felt like Jonah sent to Nineveh; my Mom was my mission field. Despite the neglect and abuse, I believed God wanted me to stay within her presence. My obedience to her were arrows of love, you know, "Kill them with kindness" shit. My love for her was only filled because of Jesus. God had commanded not only to obey your parents so that we may live long, but to serve our masters as if serving the Lord. I would die for Jesus. Did that mean I had to die for my Mom too? God had commanded me to forgive so that I may be forgiven by him. I was equally a sinner in His eyes, so how could I speak up?
As horrid as it sounds and despite being asked by a youth group ministry leader if I wanted them to report what was happening at home to DCFS (Department of Child & Family Services) and me declining, I continued to live with my Mom. I was in junior high, a new Jesus Freak, on fire for God. How could a warrior turn down their calling? How could I disobey my Heavenly Father? My Mom was trying, I justified, even if that meant sometimes nights were filled with drunken stammers and flying fists. "I survived this long; I can keep going." I thought, while praying desperately for change.
I am not the only one who has fell prey to this trap within Christianity. I see it and hear about it from others. People become accustomed to accepting inappropriate behavior because that's what's been modeled to them. The church opens the doors for the wounded only to put a bandage on & say, "Help others put this on too!"
My prayer journals religiously asked for God's forgiveness for not doing more for Him, for staying in my comfort zone, and for my pride. So many times I wanted to call it quits and runaway, but I felt God say, "Stay." All the "praise you in the storm" worship songs confirmed this for me.
If you or someone you know is being harmed in any way, shape, or form report it to the proper authorities and get help. Everyone deserves safety and love. So why is there even an ounce of hesitancy within the church?
Because this subservient behavior is exactly what God calls us to have with him, despite the fact that he's narcissistic asshole. He is the Almighty; yet, chooses-I'm sorry "allows," to have children suffer.
"Oh well that's because of the fallen world!" You might say. God is the one who created the fallen world.
"No, that's our sin!" Is this because of our personal sin or because we're born into sin; regardless, who the fuck tortures children because of a misbehavior? That, my friends, is called bad parenting.
Yep, that's right. The world's worst Dad award goes to Yahwey, for creating human beings he instantly regretted although he knew their future disobedience and drowned them anyway! (Noah's ark makes for an excellent bed time story.)
The God of the Bible uses violence to makes things rights. He desires clean blood to even look at you. How messed up is that?
You are not a filthy sinner; you are a human being learning how to love better.
You are not a sinner saved by grace; you are a maturing person with potential of greatness.
You do not owe anyone respect, but you do owe yourself the world.
Let me know how you've overcome the tangled webs of evangelicalism in the comments below!
If you're a believer, I'd still like to chat. Let me know your thoughts, questions, and concerns!