
Monday, December 24, 2018

How Do You Accept?

I was taken back today as someone gave me a large gift. I've always struggled with these sort of things. I broke down crying, but obviously not in front them! I was speechless, at a loss for words...slowly and finally making out a small, "tha-tha-thank you." But that one thank you is never enough for a person who doesn't feel start bargaining in your head, thinking these thoughts: "I don't really deserve this. Are they really sure they want to give me this? If I ask it might offend them. I don't want them to think that I think I deserve such things or take things for granted...maybe I can offer half of the gift back." All of which leads to another exclaiming of "Thank you" that's just a little more bolder and louder to kill the awkward silence you created.

I briefly tried to find a Psychology article about this panominan. You would think it would be easy to find such an article considering we are a day away from the biggest gift exchange holiday of the year-Christmas.

So I sit here pondering: How do people accept gifts?

Are you like me? Believing your unworthy and don't know how to show your gratitude, so you overcompensate in other ways like 'you better bet I'm 100% going to clean the whole house now because you gave me this gift!' Or something of that nature? Although this is nice of you, your way of "proving your gratitude" could be in a form that the giver never really wanted.

Or how about this, you may not be like me but perhaps you relate more with my sister who on Christmas one year barely opened her gift and knew exactly what it was, squealed at the top of her lungs and bounced up & down ecstatically! I had never seen such authentic joy in my whole life-she was about the age of 6. I'm pretty sure the gift was dollhouse...She was soooo outlandishly happy; her humongous smile lit up the whole room and her jumping made the house shake (we lived in a trailer so it wasn't that hard). Her childlikeness made me question: when was the last time I felt that?

So we have the Feel-Unworthy, Overcompensator Receiver and the Feel-Overjoyed, Wants Achieved, Receiver

There's another way I have observed people recieve gifts in my sort time being alive and that is what I'll call the Feel-Grateful, Praising the Giver, Receiver.

I've observed this from an older lady I've recently met here in SoCal. I haven't given her any physical gift, but I have given her the gift of my time and listening ears. To her this meant the world because she has been a widower for three years and is still grieving the loss of her "sweetheart." We conversed once for three consecutive hours and it was only the second time we chatted! But her expression of gratitude wasn't focussed on the gift (the gift of my time and energy), but rather on me-on the giver. She would thank me, but more often would spend the time saying positive qualities over me.

I think we can see this personality play out not only in this scenario, but perhaps think of a child whose father they haven't seen for an extended amount of time. He returns with some cheap gift (not because they love the child less but because of outstanding reasons) and gives it to his son/daughter. The child isn't going to cling to the gift-although appreciative to have a gift, but rather they will wrap themselves in the giver's arms.

Where would you fall among these three types of receivers? Are you like me? Like my sister? Or perhaps like that older woman?

I think the healthiest state of being would be the last Receiver. This receiver who acknowledges the giver went out of their (no matter how big or small), the receiver doesn't discredit their own worthiness, they receive the gift with gratitude, and thanks the giver properly.

What do you think? Do you agree?

With it being Christmas Eve, as a believer in Jesus, I can not ignore how this can easily transition to how we receive the greatest gift of all-Himself.

Although Jesus wasn't literally born on December 25th, we celebrate His birth. God himself became flesh and dealt among us. John 1 

And He gave His life as a gift Romans 6:23

His gift made us right with the Father 1 Timothy 2:5-6, Romans 8

His gift we can not return (Hebrews 10) , we can not earn (Ephesians 2), and we can not ignore (Hebrews 2).
So how do we receive it? How do we receive Him?

Although I have been walking with the Lord since 2005, it is a question I still face today-especially as a Seminary student. How do I receive Him? How much do I receive Him? How do I receive this greatest gift ever given-the son of God, Jesus...who died for my sins and rose again defeating death, making me right with God, giving His righteousness over to me, and who calls me friend????

I don't understand love like that. I don't understand mercy like that. I don't understand giving like that.

How about you? When receiving God's gift do you struggle in finding yourself worthy and so you try to work it off to somehow pay Him back (i.e. having a religious spirit)? Or are you thrilled that you have such a gift, but you ignore the relationship it also brings, thinking you got what you wanted (salvation) and that's good enough? Or are you enamored by the Giver, lost in haze of His glorious love for you and in ALL of who He is?

This Christmas, I encourage you to evaluate how you receive gifts. I encourage you to be honest with yourself as to how you fit in one of these categories: the Feel-Unworthy, Overcompensator Receiver, the Feel-Overjoyed, Wants Achieved Receiver, and/or the Feel-Grateful, Praising Giver Receiver. And lastly, I encourage you to see how that mentality has seeped into how you receive Jesus.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Painful To Hear, Painful to Teach

The Different Sides of God's Glory & Holiness

Have you ever seen the movie Lion King 2: Simba's Pride? It follows the story of Kiara, Simba's daughter, and her love with Kuvo, the enemy's son. It's basically "a child's" rendition of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. In this movie, two other characters also show up who are not new to the cinematic scene of Lion King admirers: Timon & Pumbaa. Towards the tail end of the movie, at the climax of the big cat fight (literally), Timon & Pumbaa are faced with their fears once again-fighting the enemy. Timon pounds his fist into his hand and says to Pumbaa, "There's only one thing we can do...when the going gets tough, the tough get going. That's our new motto..." in hopes to invigorate their cowardly spirits. However, once the lions make their thunderous roar, instead of "get going into battle" Timon quickly jumps and says, "Like I said, the tough get going!" and scatters away with his friend Pumbaa. 

Why do I share this? Like Timon and Pumbaa's seemingly new motto, there's one interpretation-you could say in this case the interpretation is "when things get tough it requires action not stagnation." Yet, as you saw, there can be more than one application-in this case either running towards the fight or running away from it!

The same can be said about scripture-the Holy Bible. There is only one interpretation, but many applications.

Yet, I do not want to stop there. I want to take it a step further and say that this same idea can be carried over to God Himself. 

What do I mean? I mean that God, Himself is One (Deut. 6:4), but is He is also "multifaceted"-we see this in the Holy Trinity=Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:26, Matthew 28: 19, John 1:1-18, 10:30, 17:20-21, Acts 1:4-5). 

But again, I don't want to stop there. Think with me, is not what do a reflection of who we are? Jesus Himself mentioned that from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45)-how much more do the rest of our actions say about our heart, our core nature?! You can learn this principle in psychology and sociology, not just the Bible's proverbs. 

Thus, what does all of this say about God's actions? They are multifaceted because they overflow from His multifaceted heart. The meanings behind His actions can have more than one explanation because God encompasses many characteristics-WONDERFUL AND BRILLIANT characteristics I may add.   

Let's take a look now into scripture to see what I mean. Read (or follow the link to) Ezekiel 28: 20-26. --And let's set the stage, Ezekiel is considered a "major prophet" by Bible scholars and the Church today not because he is a major deal but because of the length of his book in the Old Testament.  In the beginning Ezekiel recalls a vision he has of seeing the Lord's angels (we later find out are called Cherubim), seeing God's glory upon the throne, and being called to be a prophet-not an easy or fun job. The job comes with being exiled, hated, and mocked. Ezekiel is commanded to dramatize each prophecy through physical actions-for example laying on his left side and then his right all to symbolize an impending future upon the Israelites (Ez. 4:4-8). Ezekiel witnesses God's presence leaving the temple, which is a BIG BIG DEAl. That's like the NFL saying they're never coming back to the Superbowl! God rolls back His glory for several reasons here, one major reason being that the Israelites (His chosen people) stopped following Him with their whole hearts. When we get to our section in the reading, God isn't finished with disciplining Israel, but now is also disciplining those who have hurt her (Israel).     

What did Sidon do to God's chosen people, it introduced cults-especially the worship of Baal (you can read more in 1 Kings). 

With all of this background (and there is certainly more), let's read verse 22 again.
 ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“‘I am against you, Sidon,
    and among you I will display my glory.
You will know that I am the Lord,
    when I inflict punishment on you
    and within you am proved to be holy.'"

Why does God say, in the midst of Him bringing disaster (which is a very important piece), that His glory and holiness will be known?

How's come God's glory and holiness is here with Israel's enemy, Sidon, instead of with them (Israel)?

Isn't God's glory and holiness supposed to go hand in hand with leaps of joy and exuberating happiness not anger and pain? The answer is no and yes. It's multifaceted.

I want to suggest that it is in this revelation-of knowing that God can bring destruction, infliction, judgement, and death through His glory and His holiness; as opposed to, just restoration, healing, blessings and life, that we have a much grandeur application from "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Pr. 9:10)

Why did I title this "Painful to Hear, Painful to Teach"? Because who out there can fully understand or accept that the God we serve can be swift, severe, stern, and sometimes even scary? I want to clarify here that: 1) YHWY (God) is not the god Hindu's see in Shiva who is known by his destructive and restorative traits which is based off how well you please him or not. 2)As you learn more about the Gospel you learn more of the HEART behind God's actions we read more in the Old Testament.

Please keep reading as I explain these points-

When bad things happen, we can not always assume it was because of our sin that God allowed such things (Read the story of Job).

On the flip side, neither can we then say, "God is cruel and causes pain for the fun of it all." We read in Romans 8: 28 that He 'works all things together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.' 

God is multifaceted, but He is still good. No pain or infliction will be wasted. He brings all broken things back  and creates something new (read Revelation). 

 It is easy for those who haven't walked through God's trials and have not received that "crown of life" as James 1 talks about to succumb to this notion that God and the Devil are the same. 

Let us clarify the major differences for those of you struggling:

Satan says:
"Surely God didn't mean you would die..."-Genesis 3:4
Satan toys with our concept of God-
making God fit our logical understandings-
a god who is all loving and hates nothing-
certainly a god who wouldn't kill-
a god who is not multifaceted-
a god whose glory and holiness
bring happiness only.

Satan not only contorts the believer's mindset,
but the unbeliever's.
He persuades the un-enlightened mind
that darkness is all that there is,
that they deserve the pit,
that nothing can save them,
and certainly no one can hear them.

Jesus' says:
"Don't suppose that I have come to bring peace...rather I bring a sword."-Matthew 10:34

Jesus is blunt, honest, and sometimes brutal,
but all of it is meant to lead to repentance (Hebrews 12:6).
The sword illustration is not only used here,
but in other places:
Eph. 6:17,
Heb. 4:12,
Rev. 1:16.
All of which are describing His Spirit,
His very breath.

Jesus' image is much different than the hippy
we try to make Him out to be.
Yes, Jesus was revolutionary.
Yes, Jesus promoted love and unity.
But He also knew that things were going to get ugly
and sometimes He was/is going to be bringing in the storms.
We must have faith in His multifacetedness.
We must trust in one who
knows all things,
creates all things, &
restores all things.

As you can see, Jesus (God) is much different than Satan. And if you're are still not convinced, here is a more in depth (but certainly not complete) look at who Satan truly is/does contrary to some of those Hollywood movies you've watched or charismatic church preacher's you've listened to:

Satan cannot create. He is a creature, a fallen angel. 
He is the father of lies. 
He uses his light to trick and deceive people. 
He cannot make you do anything, but he can tempt you.
You still have your free will and can make choices within his domain. 
His kingdom is the world not hell.
He has lost the war, but can win battles.
He and the rest of the fallen angels from Heaven can possess anything-
meaning take over, control, or move,
but they cannot win your soul.
(Is. 14: 12-17, Ez. 28: 1-19, John 8:44, 2 Cor. 11:14, Gen. 3:1-5 & 13-15, 1 Peter 5:8, Eph. 2:2, Mark 3:20-26, Rev. 20:10, Rev. 12, Matt. 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-37, Mark 5:1-20)

So what do you do now since you've been taught something you've never thought you'd hear?
  1. Stop making God so small and fitting Him into confines of your understanding because you like Him better that way-He can not be defined by just one word 
  2. When different and difficult situations arrive in you life, don't give them one answered explanations-they are multifaceted as well!
  3. Stop giving Satan all the credit! This is a big one! Because with this point, you need to reconcile the fact that a good God could and can bring such things as we read in the Old Testament.  
  4. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!" Let this apply to how we run into our Abba's arms regardless of what this life brings because that is where He truly desires us to be!  

Sunday, November 4, 2018

When "Worship" Hurts

Moving Forward In Trauma

Church service has begun. (If you go to a more contemporary church service) the band goes on stage with their gleaming guitars, loud snares, and rough bass; the environment is meant to bring on feelings of welcome and excitement. The lights are dimmed except for on those now leading the crowd into a high-volumed, upbeat time of worship. However instead of being drawn into this moment of togetherness with God's people, your mind is a thousand miles elsewhere. Your heart starts to ache as if it was just stabbed instead of it's rhythmic beating with enthrallment. The song "How great is our God" (a 2004 hit worship song by the artist by Chris Tomlin) doesn't ring true at this moment, instead you'd rather be singing "Love Hurts" (the 1975 hit by the artist Cher). Tears flow down your face as soon as the band switches to the minor chords, but it's not because they're singing about Jesus' sacrifice...

Have you ever experienced this? 

I have recently been finding myself in this position...again. These types of moments can be spurred on by many things. A death in the family, a scandal in a marriage, an incurable illness, an overwhelming name a few.

Currently, for me it's been because the new church I have been visiting reminds me of a huge developing period in my life that ended in shambles. It may seem like such a small thing, but let's keep in mind that everyone can experience trauma in different ways, shapes, and forms. 

For those who know me, from junior high to senior year of high school I was heavily involved in a church youth group. I, along with many of those I called close friends, were a part of a ministry team that coordinated many events, were trained in evangelism and team building; we went on numerous trips together, we learned and grew from each other in accountability groups and Bible Studies. That place became my second home. It was where I came to know Jesus, where I discovered my gifts and passions, where I felt accepted, and appreciated. It was my everything. 

But then dramas started to boil to their head, things we were taught were lies about others turned out to be truths; our youth leader's wife had sex with one of the students and got pregnant; pastors kept material from the police and the public, the lead pastor became egocentric, students attendance dwindled either because of this or because of the incompetence of the new youth leader, and many just left the faith all together.

It's been seven years since I graduated high school and since I left that church but the memories are still very vivid... when I say, memories, I mean emotions. 

Throughout these years, I have seen many people take different responses to such tragedies. Some deny such things ever happened and continue to only see the good; while some have shut themselves indoors to hide from anyone else who could ever hurt them. People have moved, some stayed. The church still stands (in my case anyways).

So here I am, asking myself once again, "How do I move on?" 

As a very self-aware person, I can't help but also take a look at my own life and see what sins I bring to the table as well-not being ignorant to the fact that we are all broken people and not just those who caused the heartache (Note, this is NOT saying you deserve what happened or belittling the incident). I have often prayed that God would make me forget such horrific things (both things I have experienced and done)....yet, I have found that we can't just forget the bad memories without it also taking with it some of the good. 

What do I mean? 

Here is what Robert Berezin, M.D (a psychologist and author) briefly says on the matter in his article "Erasing Bad Memories Is a False Cure for PTSD" on 

   "First of all, it is not even plausible that we can remove specific neurons that map traumatic memory and then all is well. The operations of memory and feeling are far too complex."

Robert Berezin also mentions that the only cure is basically working through it-a lifetime of working through it:

read article

"Mourning Is The Key"         

As a follower of Jesus, the Holy Spirit reminds me that He has been with me through all of these things-the good, the bad, the ugly. It is through God's omnipotence and omnipresence I have come to know that He is good, faithful, and true when the world was/is not (Psalm 139, Hosea 11, The book of Job, and others). With Christ I can do all things (Phil. 4:12-13), which means going through this healing process and becoming whole again.

Right now I can't sit in that church and sing those songs from years past because it feels like salt in the wound. But I can sit here and through a new song come to realize, God can take my past hurt and brokenness to help encourage you who sit in the same boat (because I know you do!) to not lose heart!  

I would love to hear your stories, no matter how short they are on how you are experiencing God the Healer. Please comment below. May we build each other up to be a strong, healthy, maturing body of Christ.   

"Rejoice with those who rejoice;
mourn with those who mourn."

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I Do, Do You?

I know who made all things;
Do you?
I know who created the seen and unseen;
Do you?
I know who has found the lost;
Do you?
I know who loves the sinner;
Do you?
I know who calls the forgotten;
Do you?
I know who carries the broken;
Do you?
I know who has won victoriously over the enemy;
Do you?
I know who satisfies in every way;
Do you?
I know who makes us whole;
Do you?
I know who watches over us day & night,
Do you?
I know who gives & takes away;
Do you?
I know who counts all of our tears;
Do you?
I know who rejoices over the ones He loves with singing,
Do you?
I know who died on the cross for the world,
Do you?
I know who defeated death and the grave for humankind,
Do you?
I know who sits at the right hand of God for me;
Do you?
I know Him.
Yes, I know Him-the one they call Jesus.
Do you?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

In Awe of Being One

The song, "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling comes on my Pandora station and I am instantly thrown back into time: I am sitting on a picnic table in the warm summer night. There's a "dance" going on at the campground my mother and I go to every weekend. The songs range from the latest country and pop songs to slow love songs. But instead of joining my summer time peers and the old, drunk folks in the jolly time, I'm just sitting there. I watch from the sidelines with my heart pounding because secretly I wish to be on that same concret of freedom. Secretly I'm desiring to dance with a boy who became my summertime crush, Danny. Danny was older than me by a couple of years, but treated me like beloved sister. He taught me how to swim, made me laugh, and made me feel like I wasn't alone. It's funny, how a song can bring back such a vivid memory as if it happened yesterday instead of sixteen or so years ago.  

Not dancing with Danny those summer nights are one of my regrets in life, of which I have many. 

Can you relate? What songs take you back and stir up such emotions for you? Are they good or bad?

I have never been into dancing, unless it's in my car...and alone. Yet, I am getting better about showing my floppiness in public.

Something I do participate in however, is dancing with the Lord. 

Why? Let me explain-

Have you ever heard the song, "Your Love is Extravagant"? 
I once heard a lady criticize that song and say that God's love should not be compared to that of a lover's. I disagree. In fact, as I am going through the book of Ezekiel I am often left with asking God, "Why are you always describing your love with your people so prolifically and intimately?" 

I have shared in previous posts that last year I was recommended to read Sex God by Rob Bell. It had some really great insights. I highly recommend it to those walking with the Lord and reconciling this mentality of intimacy. One piece that sticks out is this notion that our relationships are to reflect what we have in and with the Lord. 

Clarification: This is not saying that we have a sexual relationship (viewed primarily & traditionally as just physical) with the Lord, but rather the same spiritual union that we experience with a lover (the oneness). In a healthy relationship, the spirituality inside a person is a positive and mutual overflow which in turn produces a physical aspect. For example, I love my partner so much I give them a hug. The hug does not define the relationship...(nor should sex), but rather what my inner being feels about them.           

But getting back to matters at hand-I want you see God more intimately than you have ever before. For our God is not a distant Creator; God is an involved Designer.

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you.
-Psalm 139: 13-19
I led them with cords of human kindness,
    with ties of love.
To them I was like one who lifts
    a little child to the cheek,
    and I bent down to feed them.
-Hosea 11:4
The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.
-Zephaniah 3:17
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
 neither the present nor the future,
 nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
-Romans 8:38-39

And then one of my favorites is from John 17: 20-23 which is straight from Jesus' mouth. It is a prayer that we would be one as He is one with the Father. 

Do understand this oneness? 

Can you grasp this notion that the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, & Spirit) are One (not just three in one as in the singular sense, but one as in whole)...they are so content, so intertwined, so in love and fulfilled within each other. They have to be or else there would be something greater than God. And then what is even more jaw dropping is that God invites us into this union.   
Can we take a moment? Can we just sit down for a second and ponder this. Humor me and sit down, take deep breath in and out...perhaps move to a space separated from others. Just let this sink into you. Maybe even take it to the Lord yourself, "Lord, what does this all mean? What does look like? Am I one with you?"

You get to be one with the One who is the very definition of what it means to be one.

So, yeah, I'll dance to that. I'll dance with that. I'll put on some praise music, put up my arms as if they're physically around another and twirl with my greatest love.

This dance is an outward expression of the dance that's been going in my heart. A dance the Lord began and invited me into. It's majestic. It's perfect. It's wholesome. It's priceless. It's precious. It's called my life. It's called your life.

I'll stand in awe of that. I'll remain in awe of that.

Do you?

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Even Here Your Presence Is

Even here-
In the warm, bright, sunny days when all I know is bliss and innocence,
Your presence is.
Even here-
In the stressful, hair pulling nights when bills pile up and I don't know where to turn,
Your presence is.
Even here-
When all of my wildest dreams are unfolding and laughter is always on my lips,
Your presence is.
Even here-
In the moments everything is shattered, I'm afraid of my own shadow, and death creeps into my very being,
Your presence is.
Even here-
When those I've trusted disappoint me and what I've hoped for is forever lost,
Your presence is.
Even here-
Behind the cells of inmates, behind the doors of teenagers, and in the car with the widows,
Your presence is.
Even here-
On the balcony looking over a scenery of absolute beauty,
Your presence is.
Even here-
In the depths of the ocean that has stolen my breath, filled my lungs, and brought a tide that I am not strong enough to fight,
Your presence is.
Even here-
In the crying of babes, the single mother, the confused spouse, the torn family,
Your presence is.
Even here-
In the mind of a "master" who doesn't feel Your presence like they once had & questions their whole life's purpose, who stands on the precipice of greatness but doubts their worth & confidence,
Your presence is.

Yes, God, your presence is.
ברוך השם שלך ישוע

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Dream Like State

Honestly Just Journalling

Many of you know that I have recently moved to California from Colorado. It's been the hardest move out of the eighteen times I moved throughout my life. My new roommates ask me what I think so far. I tell them, "It feels like a dream...that I hope to wake up from soon."

I know absolutely no one out this way (correction, my godparents live in NorthCal and the one friend I know who lives forty-minutes away is currently a missionary in Romania). It would be easy for me to feel depressed. Frankly, there's been a lot of glitches in the whole journey of this move that has made me question where I even stand with God...

From delayed flights, to unplanned expenses, to a loss of a job, to ants infesting the bathroom-all the big and little things could simply weigh up to be a burden upon my back. Perhaps, they have and I am denying it. Physically I am tired all the time. Today-almost two weeks from when I arrived, is the first day it has been cloudy and not blaring down stagnate sun beams. The trees seem to reach for the stars like the rest of Los Angeles. I have met only one person through all of my going ins & outs that said they liked living here-and that was my hair stylist. 

My little town in Orange county is filled with taco food trucks, adobe homes, churches on every corner, and small patches of grass that constitute as parks. It is an interesting place. The world is an interesting place....I can't deny I longed for this adventure (and much more), but I feel the reality of "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Going back to where I stand with God-what I mean by that is that I am always trying to figure out the meaning of things and truth is that's freak'n impossible. Why did Biola University make such an impression on my mind and heart that made me apply? Why did they take so long in letting me know I was accepted although I applied way before the deadline? Why didn't I start saving money earlier if I really thought that coming to Cali would be a possibility? Why did this girl I never met, but who I connect well with, reach out to me to be a roommate? I  could ask these questions until I am black and blue in the face (I'm already I guess I am halfway there).

It's true, getting where I am came with some hurdles-of which aren't probably near being over. Despite my questioning and letdowns, I am reminded of truths. The Holy Spirit reminds me through continuing to seek Him that I can not forget what I have been taught, that I am not alone...that I am beloved. I am reminded by family and friends that I can do this, that I am brave & strong...that things will pull together.

I have chosen Psalms 71:5 and Hebrews 10:35-36 as my memory verses during this season in life. Funny, I have not done memory verses in years.

Moving brings this notion about-this unpacking the boxes of both the past and future. My room is relatively organized, but some boxes still sit waiting for their rightful place. I long for new assorceries to make this feel more like my own space. Yet, here I am humbled in the thought that despite this being my dream, I must ask "What would you like from me, O God, while I am here?" What is God's will while you sit on the fence called transitions? 

I may not ever know if it was God testing me or Satan provoking me in my difficulties, but like my Dad told me in last night's 'encouragement talk,' "You must not forget why you came came there to become a came there to help must persevere." 

In my devotion time a week or so before I climbed into that Penske truck and drove through those scary mountains with my Dad, God spoke to my fears and confidence. 
Off and on the Holy Spirit will continual take me to a chapter or verse in the Bible until it is thoroughly engraved upon my membrane. Recently, it's been Ephesians 2. At this precise moment He took me to verse 19. I journaled:

'God's will and my choices.
It's such a wondrous,
mysterious art.'

I drew a swimmer about to take the high dive, but now questioning it. That's how I felt.

God seemed to say through my feelings and this scripture, that I belonged here. The thought process went like this: If God (let's say) called me to be a firefighter and I run into that burning building, do I question my position in life? Do I ask God in that moment if I made the right choice? Do I ask if I did God's will?

No. No I do not. 

I'm not saying that we shouldn't re-evaluate our decisions and make sure they align with God's. What I am saying is that it's ok to have fear sometimes, for it shows that bravery has an opportunity to shine through. What I am saying is that it's ok to question sometimes, for it shows that wisdom has an opportunity to grow through. 

"Am I where I am suppose to be, Lord?" 
"Samantha, where can you go that I am not already there?" 
Even in this hazy dream-like state, you are here Oh God.  

Do I Owe God?

Dear Christian perfectionists (aka myself), you don't owe God anything although you may thoroughly think that and it may fit into some so called "theological/philosophical" arguments.

While we were still sinners Christ died for us. God did an incredible, incomprehensible act of amazing grace and mercy; and yet, God did not send Jesus so there can be a quid pro quo (I scratch your back & you scratch mine). To say that I owe someone something is to say that there is still a debt to be paid. Jesus paid it all. Every single ounce of sin's ugliness and death's burning sting Jesus took upon himself for eternity.

There is and will be nothing you can do that can erase that remarkable act of love. You can certainly try to deny it, but denying something doesn't disprove its existence. You can certainly try to hide from it, but that doesn't stop the thing from chasing you.

Some Christian doctrines point to a lifestyle change-producing the fruits of Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control), that gives the Church a reason to believe that you are a True Believer (aka Follower of Jesus). However revisiting the scriptures, like in Ephesians 2, we know that this change is not of your own doing-it is the Holy Spirit's.

We have heard in our Christian circles that God has His part and we have ours. What is our part exactly? Doesn't the Word also say that "those who love their lives must lose it" and that we are to "carry our cross" (Matthew 10)? Could laying down of one's self be what we really owe God? After all He did lay down His life for our's, but what does He get in return-what does God gain from a human life? From me?

God gets nothing, because He already has everything. God has nothing to gain from man or else He would not be God. To say God needs something is to denote the very name/nature of God.

But your heart! Your heart! These evangelists scream, "You have to give Him your heart!"

True in part.

Your part is to accept every single day the fact that Jesus was crucified and rose again for YOU.

Coming to Jesus everyday in holy surrender isn't a duty, an obligation, a check mark off my 'To Do List;' it is my Joy, my Comfort, my Solidarity, my Rock, my Firm Everything.

It is true that if we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord we will be saved (Romans). That is our part....which comes AFTER and ALONGSIDE His part.

And what if you never you do "your part"? Does God leave you high and dry?

He says He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews). We are always the Prodigal Sons (& daughters); He is never the Prodigal Father (or Mother).

You remember that annoying children's song we used to sing, "He's got the whole world in His hands-He's got the whole wide world in His hands?" It doesn't say "He's got only the Christians in His hands-He's got all the goody Christians in His hands."

God sows the Good Seed to everyone, He is the one who waters it, and shines upon it. He is the Great Farmer and the Harvester. What does this mean? It means to every single person He is a "good, good Father." To everyone He is the Great Judge. Proverbs talks much about this, perhaps that's a good place for you to start in His Word. God sees, knows, and acts always-that is true for everyone everyday.

But does God act the same for everyone?

We like to ascribe some things to God that should really be credited to ourselves. Although God is in control no doubt-for He is the Author & Finisher of our faith, we appear to have the capability to write on the pages in between. This is the aspect that Ecclesiastes likes to address (another great read). "The wicked plot their own demise, but the righteous will see God" seems to be echoed a lot throughout the course of this book in the Bible.

So let me ask you, are you wicked? Or are you righteous? Not in your own eyes, but in God's?

With these Truths it easy to jump to the conclusion that we earn or deserve some things. This is where the belief of karma comes in. As Christians we must be careful of teachings that sound appetizing to the ear, but leave our stomachs empty. Especially those teachings that sound like they come from the Holy Bible, but in actuality they do not. Thus, like I have always done, I encourage you to take my words against the scriptures.

Karma's distinctive quality is that good or bad energy is stored up for you based upon your output into the world. The Word does say that "what we sow, we reap" (in other words, "what goes around comes around.") Yet, our so called "good deeds" and our (oh so overwhelming) "bad deeds" are not stored up for or against us for we know that "bad things" happen to both good and bad people alike.

Even one "bad deed" scripture notes qualifies you as a sinner. Can the same be said about one "good deed?" Can one good deed qualify me as a Saint? Scripture is honest, clear,  and painfully, joyfully truthful. The answer is no (Isaiah 64:6)

Since God in control does He send the "bad things?" Who are we to define what is good or bad? Right or wrong? Again we need a moral compass.

In all aspects, we need God. God is there for us. There is nothing that can separate us from His love. It is my choice to live in that mercy and grace as opposed to just listening to it. The outcome from living in it brings something I personally have decided is far greater than anything else this world could give me. What about you?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


My body is numb
Tingling and stinging are all I know
This head paints a picture my heart can not follow

Ready to leave & leap
To a destination with no street
Of glitters and shrieks
This is a dream
My body is numb

My heart sings a new song
Of melodies & choruses we try to comprehend
These are things to which there is no end
Yet, not unrelated
These are the facts, not old news
My body is numb

I'm ready to jump
But now my heart fears
And my mind turns these hopes into tears
I can not see the ending
I can not see tomorrow's landing
Yet we must take the risk
For what is life without it?

My life is numb
Can you hear it?
This confidence parades
She thinks she knows all the answers
Call her by name & hear all of its disasters
This clutter has to go
For to have wisdom is to have growth

A new life has awakened
Let's find her purpose
Fighting those demons with ease
This is it! We've found it!
In unison we scream
This is my new beginning,
To have a fresh start
These fingers are numb, but these feet are not

Walking through & not around is best
There's a beating drum inside of my chest
A new scene is forming
My mind is clearing
Fear take a picture, for it's your last
Take a bow, for we're putting you to rest

Here I fly
My body free from being numb
There is a joy  & it's warming up this emptiness inside
She is blooming
A blossom fortells of adventures that could not hide
I am eager she says
Together we can do this!
My body, heart, & mind
My body, heart, & mind


Monday, July 30, 2018

The Door & The Path

You wonder why the door is shut.
You see through the small window that it's paradise.
You see the wind rustle the leafs, the carefree birds fly by, and even the butterflies at peace upon the field of daisies.
What you see and comprehend looks like heaven.
You can feel the radiant sun beaming it's warmth into your skin even through the glass that separates you.
It appears as if everything is dancing, even leaping with this enthrallment of content.
It appears that if only you were able to open this door you would have it all!
But for some reason it won't budge, as if it were locked from the outside.
All you want is to follow this path, this path into paradise!

You see it through that tiny window-
a paved pathway into the glorious unknown.
Oh you can just picture the smooth wide path under your bare feet,
no peebles or crevices.
You can briefly smell the scent of the blossoms just below
and taste the sweet crisp air floating off from the creek nearby.
Oh why won't this door open you wonder!
What is wrong?!
What am I missing?

Next door sits another.
Another scene, another story.
Here the door lies open and yet, the person sits frozen in place.
The wind is violent and a brutal storm rages just inches before them.
They see the clouds twirl and spin, branches bend and break.
A tornado is forming, hail is falling;
the earth appears brutally angry!
The creatures below run wildly to shelter that they can not seem to find.
The creek is flooded and water is rising to your feet.
The door has been forced open and shatters as it whips off of it's hinges.
They see the path, but don't desire it;
for the path is narrow and full of ditches.
All they see is darkness.
All they feel is hardness.
The path is full of rocks and sharp edges.
The person quivers thinking,
"Is there no other why?
What have I done to deserve this?!"

What you don't see past your paradise lays that same storm.
What they don't see past their storm lays that same heaven.
What they don't realise is that their path eventually leads to something beyond their wildest dreams.
You wonder why that door is shut.
They wonder why it's not.

Trust the One who controls both doors and knows both paths.

Matthew 7: 13-14, Proverbs 16: 9, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 8:28, Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Dreams, Decisions, Discussions

After how many "bad things" happen should we give up? After ten, twelve, twenty? Could the answer be like Jesus's response to Peter's question as to how many times should we forgive? "After seven times?" "No, truly I tell you, not seven times but seventy times seven..." (Matthew 18: 22). So the answer really being never?

Along with that let's ask a question that always seems to plague us Christians: Is that really God speaking? When things turn upside down and mayhem strikes, how do we know if it is or isn't God saying: stop going that way. Turn around. It's time to quit?

I think of Paul and Silas when they were deterred by the Holy Spirit from entering the province of Asia-now roughly Turkey in our time period. Do you remember that? Acts 16: 6-8.  After how many attempts of trying to entering the province did he conclude it wasn't meant to happen?

The Holy Spirit takes me now to Ephesians 2:20. I am reminded of how we as Christians today are built upon the apostles and prophets who are the foundation of which Christ Jesus is the cornerstone. We are a house being fitted together along with them. We are all in this together. 

Have you ever wondered how much longer it takes to finish building a house after it storms? I know I have. I can just imagine the level of frustration from the contractors and all the parties involved. I can imagine their frustrated faces as they have to look at how much they are set back. Things are blown out of place, boards are wet and's just a hot mess!

However, no matter how much damage has now cost them, if the job is that important to them, they will finish! They do not stop! They may have to wait it out until things dry, but they work with what they can with the materials the can. 

The Holy Spirit now takes me to Proverbs 3. We have all heard this before-"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your understanding...." We say it in church, in Bible Studies, at conferences, at camp, everywhere. Immediately, I take this deep sigh because before I even finish the chapter my mind is like "alright check-list time....let's see where I fall" although my prideful self is already like "I am assuming an A- at the least." But that silly little thing called humility is like, "Ehh let's take an honest inventory here." I'm like "okay...okay..." I'm reading right and I don't even finish that well-known verse but am already like, "shoot I blew it." Hmmm yeah let's see....yup right there...'submit ALL of your ways to Him....honor God with you FIRST FRUITS....cherish wisdom and knowledge more than ANYTHING." I came out with C....maybe a D.

So what do I...what do we do then?-You ever read scripture and are like that? You get the jest of what it's saying...or some what anyways and are like, "so now what?"

At the time of this devotion, I was waiting for my vacation to start...although I was already on vacation. You ever been there?! Yeah it sucks. I had booked this week in California with a friend to start looking for places to live due to starting grad school at Biola soon. But here we were with delayed flights, then cancelled flights, technology errors, bank transfers not going through, short on cash, people looking down us because we were young, hotels not taking our discount because we didn't have a was a terrible start.

I couldn't help but laugh and try to stay positive...for my friend's sake at least. But in the midst of that (I'll call it like it was) fake positivity there were numerous questions going through my mind: Was this all really just circumstance or was it God? Was He protecting us from something or correcting us? Was I really to move to Cali or were those tiny voices in my head that I have been hearing for months right: "You aren't going. This isn't the place for you. You don't belong there."

It sounded like the Devil...but like in Paul's situation, those voices could have very much have been from the Holy Spirit. So how could I tell? I had to research what happened in Paul's case. 

It turned out that Paul just wasn't allowed to go to those parts at that particular time. In fact the seven churches that Paul writes to in the book of Revelation were in this providence.

So how do we know if the Holy Spirit is saying to keep going or to turn around? How do we as Christians discern this? I still didn't have a clear answer. The answer had to be somewhere in all of this. So I went back. The verse in Ephesians then got me thinking, "How did our forefathers in the faith do it? How were they able to discern God's voice from their own and the world's in a time period were the scriptures weren't even written and distributed on the scale it is today? How did the prophets get by with speaking on God's behalf so confidently when they were a lot of times despised and faced trouble?  

That's where a new in-depth study begins: the story of Elijah. It begins in 1 Kings 17. 

It's a story of rough starts, starvation, death. But it's also a story of hope, miracles, and life. I encourage you to read it.

I couldn't help but note the statements that the 'Word of God appeared' to Elijah, how confident he was, how God may speaks differently to people, how God says something that we interpret to only have meaning but in which He holds several.  

It all got me to think what if God never really answers with a "no" to our questions/prayers but only when those things are sin? What if He really answers with just a "yes" or "wait?"

"God, I need that promotion." I may or may not get the promotion, but if not maybe something else in my life that needed that "promotion" more.
"God, I need this to heal." I may or may not be healed, but maybe my faith was.
"God, I need this to work out." It may or may not work out, but maybe it will when you least expect it.

The Word says in Psalm 84: 11 that He withholds no good thing from those who walk blamelessly. And in Romans 8:28 it says that He works all things together for those who love Him and called according to His purpose. 

Prayer is such a powerful thing. Talking with God is such a powerful thing. We hold so much power in our hands, in our bodies, in our words, and spirit as a Believer. If only as Believers we would drew near to the one we believe in more!

That's how the ancients knew. That's how they could tell. God's voice was "painfully clear" as Andy Stanley would phrase it, because they were so close to God. You know Elijah was so close to God that he didn't even taste death but was rather taken up in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11-12)! Powerful stuff!

So maybe instead of asking after how many times of bad things happening should I give up, perhaps I should be asking after how many times I should give in to the Father?

When's the last time you gave into the Father?

Matthew 7:7-12 New International Version (NIV)
Ask, Seek, Knock
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Monday, July 2, 2018

"Spiritual Birthday"

I have walked with and known Jesus personally for thirteen years now. That's 4,745 days. I have been alive for 25 years; that is roughly 9,307 days. The things I have seen, heard, and felt during such times is immeasurable. I hesitantly look upon my last year knowing it was filled with ups and downs, mistakes, and victories. I am fully aware that  after thirteen years there is still soo much to learn and do.

I had this dream a while back about a woman I once knew at the halfway house I worked at. She was sharing with me what the program liked to call "a Matrix project." Every woman in our facility had to complete different stages filled with assignments that ranged from writing papers, creating a poster, to extracurricular activities. These Matrix activities were to promote self-awareness and growth within the women. So in my dream this girl was showing me her poster that had three parts to it: a rollercoaster, a big wave of water, and a stream of fire. She was explaining to me how the three stages represented life with coming to know God. First we are born into this roller coaster called  "life," then we are baptized into the waters of a new life, and finally we are tested by fire. These things were all of which I knew from scripture: Ecc. 3, John 3, 1 Cor. 3

Powerful dream;

too bad I didn't dive into it sooner.

Much like life huh? "Too bad I didn't dive into that sooner"...."Too bad I didn't do that...see that...learn that sooner."

I have come to learn over the years that many people do know that Jesus is the Truth, but much less know Him as the Way and less yet know Him as the Life.

It's not about us choosing God. It's that He choose us and found us worth risking everything.

I came to know Jesus when I only twelve years old. Many people throughout the years have commented how they are blown away that a person my age can have such a strong faith. And yet, no matter how far they see or think I am in this journey I still see myself as being tested by that fire. It's by no means easy, or quick, or painless.

He is worth risking everything.

Like I have said numerous times before it's not about religion it's about a relationship. Just yesterday a man from work asked me about the degree I will be pursuing. I told him a Masters of Divinity. He then asked, "Remind me again what religion you are?" I responded, "I follow Jesus." He then looked confused, "So you don't have a religion?" I said, "No, I have a relationship." Still confused, he continued, "So you have your own religion?" I said, "No, I am Christian."

This man was probably thinking why I had to make the conversation difficult. Thing is there's a point to get across that many people still aren't getting. If I respond right away as "I am Christian" most of the time people's mind allude that to some preconceived negative notions perpetrated through media and fallen congregations. However, if I respond, "I follow Jesus" most likely the curious mind focuses on "Who is Jesus" and "Why is He worth following?"

And the beautiful thing about those questions is that I am still figuring them out. And I pray I and those on the same journey will never grow weary in doing so.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. -John 14: 6

In my thirteen years of knowing this, still it breaks my heart that I don't truly comprehend this.

Knowing Jesus has brought justification for me when He took the cross I couldn't. Jesus brought about the purification for me when I was baptized by the Holy Spirit and symbolically through waters of death coming into life. Jesus now works on bringing sanctification-that is making me holy.

He is doing the same for you if you are a believer and He won't stop until the day of completion. Don't lose your trust in Him. Don't give up your hope in Him. He has confidence in you, so take up confidence of the one who lives inside of you. You are powerful, you are a conqueror, you are chosen, you are light.

When I was a young believer I would come to points in my walk with God that made me want to just take a "break." You know-just set aside the whole Christianity thing for a day or two and do whatever I if Christianity is a jacket you wear for special occasions....Well, as you know or have read any of my past posts God still showed up and physically said "I will wait....wait for you." I was a new creation trying to crawl back into my old skin and God was breaking it.

I know this being Christian thing can be hard in our day and age-heck, when was it ever easy!? But my brothers and sisters in Christ as Paul urges the church in Thessalonica I urge you to do the same in regards to our sanctification process: Do so even more. Keep up the good fight! It will not be in vain!

And those on the outside looking in, those who just read this to poke holes or can relate with shedding off the jacket of Christianity may you truly know what freedom feels like....
Happy anniversary my love, Jesus. 


Friday, May 25, 2018

First Love

I see these married couples going on dates,
I see them rekindling that flame...
You said let's do the same.
So my Lord & I went to the park,
He showed me His wonderous art.
My heart was made full with His Psalms,
And my mouth couldn't stop singing
Those songs!
You are my first love, my only true love-
You complete me when others can not!
You set me free with dances & laughter;
You make me new & full of luster!
Each day we are together,
But moments like these outline your nurture.
I go to You with mind open & hands ready,
Your Spirit guides me to your words of plenty.
Before a word is on my tongue,
You know it completely.
You embrace me,
I am safe.
You teach me,
I am made wise.
You correct me,
I am still in love with your eyes.
How is it You carry me so?
How is it Your cross ignites my soul?
Everyday You're right here,
Yet my busy life hides your face.
Jesus, let me never fall away from
Your grace!
Let me walk in Your light,
And may Your light be my guide.
For you are mine for life
And I am your's.
There's nothing that can tare us apart,
Not even this dark heart.
You make me clean,
I am glowing,
I am glowing,
I am glowing.

My God, my God may the world know this kind of love.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Song: Goodness Follows

(Verse 1)
You see the farthest part of me
And You still say, "Come to me"
You hear my lonely cries
And You say, "Everything will work out right"
You knew me before I was born
And you're still right here by my side
You are good, good, good to me
Let me not forget
That you are-yes, you are
Good, good, good to me!
I won't forget-
Yes, you are good!
(Verse 2)
You say, "Come follow me"
And I go my own way
You say, "My thoughts are higher"
And I doubt my Leader
You say, "Have faith my child"
And I give you a mustard seed
(Repeat chorus)
Everywhere I go, you are there
Everything I do, you still care
What can I do, what can I bring?
All I can do is sing-
I'll sing with my whole life

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

In God's Eyes part 1


Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Have you ever wondered exactly what does God's thoughts consist of when in regards to you as a person, an individual? Are you truly unique, special, great, a "tinkle in His eye?"

I am sure you have pondered these questions and many more just like them because so have I!

Back in the fall I noted that I was going to beginning a study that tackles these very questions. The title of my study was/is called "In God's Eyes." What I have slowly been recovering as I go through each book in chronological order of the Holy Bible are some of those adjectives and pronouns that God calls us.

What I would like you to discover today are the first ten of those words I uncovered while reading in the first book of the Bible-Genesis. 

Our journey begins as you can imagine in the Garden of Eden. Now whether you are a fundamentalist or not and take this story to be literal or not, we must still take the objects from it. In this particular case, our objectives are to see through God's eyes alone.

What I have done while reading this is note both the explicitly and implicitly said words-that is what is directly said and what is implied. But for the sake limiting our possible arguments and confusion, I will only be sharing the explicitly said words.

  1. Own image
  2. Male and female
  3. Very good
  4. Dust & breath
  5. Blessed
  6. Like one of us knowing Good and Evil
  7. Have regard
  8. corrupt & evil thinkers
  9. Have favor
  10. violent
I want you to just take a minute and ponder those words. Take a mental note on what you think about those words. Feel the power and the weight of those words. Without even connecting those words to the context quite yet, I just want you to mediate on them. Let them just sit there...let them seep into you. 

These words almost seem to paint a picture of scale for me.
image take from

In my mind it is as if God is Himself trying to figure who we are/what we are. It is as if He is taking these qualities as parcels to be measured: "On one side they are created in my image...then again they are corrupt....but then again they are very good....but yet, they are so violent...." And we could humorously almost for a second picture God putting his hand to his face in a puzzled and contemplative kind of way...

I want to introduce to you something else about this study. Learning who you are to God does not just define you, but it defines God Himself. And if you think even for minute that God was or is ever puzzled about who/what you are, then do we have A LOT of work cut out for us!

Let's dive into some scripture shall we-I now again make a list of ten; these ten then noting the exact verse(s) our words come from:

  1. Genesis 1:26
  2. 1:27
  3. 1:31
  4. 2:7
  5. 2:7
  6. 1:28
  7. 3:22
  8. 4:5
  9. 6:3,5
  10. 6:8
Let's put these into context. I will pick a couple from the list and encourage you to continue with the ones remaining. Let us start with number 1. Our word(s) are "own image." It comes directly from this passage:

 Genesis 1:26 New International Version (NIV/emphasis mine)
"Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

As we are great studiers of the Word, we would have read the whole chapter gathering the whole picture from which this verse fits into. We would have learned that it is directly said of Adam and Eve, God's first created human beings. But being excellent studiers of the Word we would also know that the words "Adam" and "Eve" are literal words for "man" and "woman." Then as nerds for the Word we would continue to look up the whole verse in the original language in which it was written. We pull out our handy dandy Hebrew Interlinear Bible and gather our geek friends to match via the internet each precise Hebrew word to its English translation. We learn that "own image" looks like this: בְּצַלְמֵ֖נוּ
pronounced "bə·ṣal·mê·nū," which translated means this: to photograph, photocopy
image taken from

Learning is so much fun isn't it!?! Haha yeah. 

Now you may be sitting there reading this thinking you may not even be a great studier of the Word and would have never even guessed that the Holy Bible was partially written in Hebrew. That's ok. I got all the nerdy facts for you. 

But now comes your part. How does this all relate to you? How much will you allow it to be a part of you?

Before you answer that question fully let me drop you another food for thought. As mentioned before, what is said about you also says something about God. What does this all say about God? Maybe to answer our question we need more pieces of the puzzle...pieces like in Colossians 1:15 which claims Jesus as "the image of the invisible God"....hmmmm?

Even if someone knows just one thing about Christianity and that one thing is that it is something about Jesus, then we MUST examine this Jesus even more closely.

We read in John 10:30 that Jesus Himself claims that Him and the Father (God) are one. He read that Jesus Himself prays that we would be one just as He and God are one. We read that in John 1 that the "Living Word" is symbolic of none other than Jesus and that this Word was with God in the Genesis.

Making the connections yet?

You want to see God. You want to know what Jesus looked like? Go look in the mirror. 
Image taken from

As Rafiki says to Simba in Lion King, "He lives in you." 

You may now be thinking, "I look nothing like Jesus and thus, am as far away from being an image of God as possible."

Which I think brings us into the dichotomy we find at number four on our list: "Dust and breath."

....which I will uncover in part 2 of "In God's Eyes"

Until then here is some more insight on what it means to be image bearers

May it inspire, convict, empower, and invigorate you my brother and sisters that out of all the things that could/can be said of us, God made this to be the first and foremost thing said about you & I. How much so shall it be true in our daily comings and goings???

Friday, March 2, 2018

Theology Dose of the Day

It is important to note that our God is ONE. Although Christians believe that God is represented in three ways, He is still ONE. It is very similar to that which we see in the natures of water. Water can be represented in a solid form, a liquid form, and a gas form. God chooses to represent Himself in the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the son-Jesus Christ. Although these three distinct images of God can come about with their own attributes, God is still ONE. God is fully God in the Father. God is fully God in the Son. And God is fully God in the Holy Spirit. With that being said, we can look at and say that in all the characteristics appointed to one of the Trinity "heads" is appointed to all. Those charistics can be from carrying out justice, to carrying out mercy, to carrying out judgment, to carrying out grace. All is in one because One is in all. God does not split Himself; thus,  His characteristics are not split. God is forever and always full of love, full of righteous anger, full of authority, full of compassion and so on. As a philosophy student, we can read about other religions that worship gods who only carry out one purpose or perhaps only a couple. It is not so with Yahwey.

How does this impact you?=when interacting with God, which I hope you do, it is important to note that you have all of who God is all of the time. This is not what we receive from humankind, more specifically our parents or lovers. When we mess up, the initial reaction from humankind is anger & punishment. They may still say they love you, but the trust most likely will have to be rebuilt-you'll have to prove yourself in some way, shape, or form. Not so with God. When we sin, God does have anger but He also has mercy. The beauty with our God is that when you fall, you  don't have to prove yourself. Why? Because Jesus (God) already made things right for you by dying on a cross & resurrecting on the third day. His sacrifice was your atonement, your redemption, your freedom. Thus, when you fall all you need is to call out to Jesus, accept what He has done for you, & walk into those open arms. The Word says God punishes those He loves. However, that punishment isn't to hurt you-it's to correct & guide you, just like a parent does with their child. But the Word also says that it is His kindness & patience that guides Him. You see with God, your past, present, & future are all held because our God is the same yesterday, today, & tomorrow. God never gives up on you, never stops loving you, never stops trying to get your attention, never forsakes you, never holds your past against you, never forgets you, never lets go of you, & NEVER stops being who He fully is for you.