
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Not for me but for Your glory (part 2)


"Dear Father,
I have not been as obedient as you would like. I have deliberately gone against you and other wise man's words. Father, forgive me. Forgive me for misusing the gifts you have given me, including my body, and harming potential relationships in the future. Forgive me that even as I gave advice, I myself was sinning. You are the greatest dad in the world and too many times I go against you and break that connection. Restore in me the joy of your salvation...."

2. Identify-read Matthew 8:28-29
Let us dive into this a tad>>[if you are wanting some brief history and a geographical look at Gerasenes I advice checking it out on Bible Dictionary]
  • Do you find it odd that there are two men demon-possessed and not just one like we receive in a later text of the Bible?/Do you think there is anything to that? (reminded me of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, saying doesn't have to be towards those who are righteous remember!)
  • How do you think these men got this way?Was it something they did to have these demons or did the demons just take over?/How could have things gotten soo bad? (this is also a good start, if you haven't already, taking a good look at what Scripture says on these topics)
  • What are your thoughts on how the demons responded? Is it strange or challenging?
  • {here's a toughy} Who was more corrupt: the two demon-possessed men or the town's people who were more concerned over their pigs? (lil fact: to Jews, pigs are the most unclean animal)
So our next step in healing is not only seeing what the core of our issue/sin/pain is but owning up to it. "Yup, that's me! I did it!" What's the 'name' of your guilt? And where are you going to let reside? In you, so it can finish destroying what is left or into the lives of those who had nothing to do with it? OR will you let the Master take it into His hands?

check out Matt. 11:25-30/ I was studying this last week and just let it resonate in me till I saw some new pieces in it that I hadn't before. For example: that silly song "He's got the whole world in His hands" came to my head ( go ahead sing it a bit or look it up:) ) and I thought to myself-how absurd is it to think that we would depreciate God in a way to say He has to hold something in His hands for it to be secure. Now, I know that is not the aim of the song, but still. Isaiah and Revolution speaks of a God "sitting" on His throne and the N. T [New Testament] also says how the world is actually His footstool! hahaha....But anyways, back to the point, I looked up the word "easy" in Greek used in this passage and found that it translates to "useful/good". Curious thought, is what you are carrying useful? Is it good?

Ponder on with some of these last words: Song by Matthew West "History" : " so what's your story, about His glory? You better find your place in the history of grace!"

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